You Are About To Discover The Benefits Of Microgreens And How To Farm Them For The Best Yields!
If you wish to add some beauty and nutritional value to your dishes with microgreens and boost your health, or start a successful business and make a ton of money off these productive vegetables, then keep reading...
You are one step away from discovering the nature, uses and benefits of microgreens, and how to take advantage of their versatility and productivity in order to create a successful garden and improve your (financial) health by getting acquainted with the best microgreen farming practices.
If you're looking for answers to questions like:
What are microgreens really?
Are they any different from baby greens?
How can I get started? What if I want to go commercial?
How can I avoid poor harvests or yields?
This is your lucky day because, "Microgreens, the definitive beginners guide to knowing and growing microgreens" will give answers to these and many more related questions that might pop up later.
More precisely, this book will teach you:
- The basics of microgreens, including what they are, what they do, their uses, and why you should consider farming them
- The health benefits that come with microgreens
- Sources for microgreens and sprouts seeds
- Difference between microgreens, sprouts and baby greens
- Considerations before growing microgreens
- Why microgreens fail sometimes
- Popular microgreens, their nutritional value and what to select for eating
- The seeds for microgreens and factors to consider while growing them
- Harvesting and storage microgreens
- Choice of cultivation system, substrate, irrigation and how to grow microgreens at home
- Troubleshooting and tips for success
- Optimizing and maintaining pH and water quality
- How to grow microgreens commercially using hydroponics, and greenhouses
- Mouthwatering microgreens recipes that you can try at home
- Frequently asked questions about microgreens
...And so much more!
Today, more and more people are discovering the aesthetic and health benefits of microgreens. This probably explains why they stand out in farmers' markets, in restaurants and at home. What's more; more and more studies are also being conducted to prove their massive nutritional value and uses- with some of them even asserting that they're up to 40 times more nutrient-dense than their mature leaf cousins!
Who would have imagined that!
Indeed, you've made the right choice considering these tiny veggies whose value can only go higher. This book is here to ensure you make all the right choices and ensure your journey is nothing but profitable, and successful, even if you are completely green on microgreens!
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