Imagine a world where millions of people have no access to banks, credit cards, or loans. A world where poverty traps them in a cycle of low income and high expenses. A world where they have no hope of improving their lives or their communities.
This is the reality for many people in Africa. But there is a way to change it: microfinance.
Microfinance is more than just lending money to the poor. It is a powerful tool for empowering them to become entrepreneurs, create jobs, and contribute to economic development. It is a way to unleash their potential and transform their lives.
However, the field of microfinance is undergoing rapid changes and paradigm shifts that require new strategies and management practices to ensure its continued success.
In this insightful book, Teresa Maru-Munlo offers a comprehensive description of the paradigm shifts in microfinance. Drawing on her extensive experience in the field, she examines the key challenges facing microfinance institutions, such as regulation, competition, and technology disruption. She also explores the latest trends and innovations in microfinance, including digital finance, impact investing, and social performance management.
That's why you need this book: Microfinance in Africa by Teresa Maru-Munlo.
This book is the ultimate guide to understanding and engaging with microfinance in Africa. The author is an expert with decades of experience and research in the field. She takes you on a journey through the history, evolution, and current state of microfinance in the continent.
This book is an essential resource for microfinance practitioners, policymakers, investors, and anyone interested in the role of microfinance in promoting financial inclusion and sustainable development. Whether you are a seasoned expert or a newcomer to the field, this book will provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to navigate the changing landscape of microfinance and achieve your goals.