About the Book
Table of Contents
1. Microbiology: Introduction and History, 2. Origin, Evolution and Biodiversity in Microorganisms, 3. Procaryotes: General Account, 4. Taxonomy of Microorganisms, 5. Nature, Classification, Morphology and Synthesis of Viruses, 6. Bacteriophages, 7. Viruses of Eucaryotes, 8. Subcellular Life Forms: Prions, Viroids, Virusoids, and Satellites, 9. Mycoplasmas, Phytoplasmas and Mycoplasmas Viruses, 10. Mycobacteria, Myxobacteria, Rickettsiae, Chlamydiae and Nanobacteria, 11. Bacteria: Classification, Nomenclature and Identification, 12. Bacteria: Eubacteria, 13. The Bacteria: Archaeobacteria, Actinomycetes, Actinoplanetes and Maduromycetes, 14. Cyabobacteria, 15. Eucaryota: Alagae, 16. Eucaryota: Fungi, 17: Eucaryota: Lichens, 18. Protozoa, 19. Growth and Differentiation, Nutrition, Respiration and Photosynthesis of Microorganisms, 20. Genetics of Microorganisms, 21. Concepts, Perspectives and Techniques of Microbial Genetic and Protein Engineering, 22. Mutations in Microorganisms, 23. Methods of Sterilization and Disinfestation, 24. Environmental Microbiology, 25. Soil Microbiology: Geochemical Cycles, 26. Microbiology of Air, 27. Microbiology of Water, 28. Microbiology of Foods, 29. Microbiology of Dairy and Dairy Products, 30. Microorganisms and Diseases in Man: Basic Concepts, 31. Human Pathogenic Viruses, 32. Human Pathogenic Bacteria, 33. Human Pathogenic Protozoa, 34. Microorganisms and Plant Diseases, 35. Plant Pathogenic Viruses, 36. Plant Diseases Caused by Bacteria and Phytoplasma, 37. Plant Pathogenic Fungi, 38. Immunology and Serology, 39. Animal Vaccine: Development and Production, 40. Antimicrobial Drugs and Sensitivity Tests, 41. Microbes in Economic Use, 42. Industrial Enzymes, Fermentation Technology and Industrial Products, 43. Microbial Biopesticides, Biofungicied, Herbicides and Agricultural Antibiotics, 44. Microbial Biological Fertilizers, 45. Microscopy, 46. Preparation and Inoculation of Culture Media, 47. Practical Microbiology, 48. Experiments