The light of the electric tram lay pale here and there on the ceiling and on the higher parts of the furniture
Svetloba električnega tramvaja je tu in tam bleda lezala na stropu in na visjih delih pohistva
but down at Gregor's level it was dark
a spodaj na Gregorjevi ravni je bilo temno
He slowly pushed himself towards the door to see what had happened there
Počasi se je odrinil proti vratom, da bi videl, kaj se je tam zgodilo
he was still clumsy with his feelers, which he only now learned to appreciate
se vedno je bil nespreten s tipalkami, ki se jih je sele zdaj naučil ceniti
His left side seemed to have one long, unpleasantly tight scar
Zdelo se je, da ima njegova leva stran eno dolgo, neprijetno tesno brazgotino
and he had to literally limp on his two rows of legs
in moral je dobesedno sepati na svoji dve vrsti nog
Incidentally, one of the legs had been seriously injured during the morning's incidents
Mimogrede, med jutranjimi incidenti je bila ena od nog resno poskodovana
it was almost a miracle that only one of his legs was injured
skoraj čudez je bil, da je bila le ena njegova noga poskodovana
and he dragged his leg lifelessly
in brez zivljenja je vlekel nogo
Only when he reached the door did he realize what had actually lured him there
Sele ko je prisel do vrat, je spoznal, kaj ga je pravzaprav zvabilo tja
it was the smell of something edible that had lured him there
tja ga je zvabil vonj po nečem uzitnem