About the Book
Messages from Jesus and the Transpersonal Realms offers readers deep spiritual insight, and a view of a worthy soul moving toward the light. This spiritual memoir shares visions of the real world beyond the world we see, and offers a record of one man's experience of the divine. Author Craig L. Kelley recounts his firsthand experience with incredible transpersonal events. His visions, and the knowledge he shares about the spiritual world are astounding. Yet he did not divulge his discoveries as soon as he experienced them. Rather, he held his personal story close while he researched for fifteen years, seeking deeper understanding among the wisest teachers of the world. Kelley has studied comparative religions, both in books and among those who have personally experienced spiritual revelations. His research areas include the world's accumulated knowledge of reincarnation, the afterlife, and life between lives. He has explored both western and nonwestern viewpoints on karma and soul journeys. He has also delved into the sciences of quantum physics, energy, metaphysics, psychology, parapsychology, the paranormal and transpersonal phenomena, and the creation and evolution of Homo sapiens on planet Earth. In short, the author has prepared himself to share the wisdom he has received. He understands his vision, in both spiritual and earthly terms. He is prepared to carry a vital message of love and transformation to the world. This book is a precise report of messages the author received in the course of his spiritual seeking. In a vision, he examined the Akashic Record, that mystical store of everything that has happened and everything that will happen in the open-ended saga of striving to know life as spirit. And through past life regressions, he came to know the wisdom of Jesus, and to hear, clearly, his message for all humankind. Craig L. Kelley had never imagined or dreamed about any wild past lives, and yet he found them--or they found him. He was flung from his temporal, unaware life into the larger universe that the mere physical world screens. In intimate personal experiences, he was shown his eternal nature and his true role in the universe. In reading the Akashic Records that pertained to himself, the author realized the weighty karmic load he had once accumulated. Indeed, he had shared the blame for the destruction of a many lives in a previous life. Yet he was shown how he had expiated his bad karma through the work of many lifetimes, and that he was now ready to bear the message. Finally, in a past life regression, Kelley was privileged to experience the birth of Jesus Christ. He describes in the most vivid possible terms the birth of the transcendent child into our mortal world. Watching the birth, Kelley stood as Joseph of Nazareth, bearing witness and offering protection and devotion. Through his visions, Kelley has gained an intimate understanding of Jesus's teachings and their meaning. Messages from Jesus and the Transpersonal Realms offers the author's personal experience of the divine in the hope that readers may better understand their own lives in relation to faith and the universe.
About the Author: Craig L. Kelley was born in Greenwich, Connecticut, and has a passion for academic and spiritual studies, having studied at many colleges and universities: Norwalk Community College in Norwalk, Connecticut; Northeaster University and Boston University in Boston, Massachusetts; Daniel Webster College in Nashua, New Hampshire; Colorado Mountain College in Carbondale, Colorado; University of Texas in Arlington, Texas; Florida International University in Miami, Florida; and Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado. He has traveled the world over the last 35 years searching for enlightenment: traveled and studied under indigenous shamans at Machu Picchu and in the rain forests of Peru; traveled to and studied the healing plants of United States, Mexico, Columbia, Peru, Singapore, Bali, Thailand and Australia; studied theology, comparative global religions, ancient religions, mythology, shamanism, philosophy, psychology, parapsychology, transpersonal psychology, paranormal phenomena, cosmology, astrology, quantum physics, energy, parallel worlds, non-locality, superuniverses, metaphysics, the esoteric, the mysteries of life, altered states of consciousness, miraculous phenomena and alternative healing. Craig has strong religious beliefs, is of the Roman Catholic faith, is a parishioner of St. Columba Catholic Church and resides in the mountains outside of Durango, Colorado. And he may have found enlightenment.