Simply described as a collection of information, which perhaps will USEFUL TO YOU AND/OR OTHERS!
Father Vincent's book of meditative reflections offers a spiritual journey into the depths of grace through the maritime imagery of the Mercy Ocean.
"Fr. Salamoni's unique reflections on Faith and Life in a nautical context have always spoken to me and others who are involved in maritime work and the ministry to the People of the Sea. May this collection be an inspiration to all mariners, and all who live, recreate or work upon the vast waters." -- Doreen M Badeaux, Secretary General Apostleship of the Sea of the United States of America
"I have served with Fr Salamoni for many years as a fellow Active Duty Navy Chaplain. I have been the beneficiary of his writings which were always joyful, thought provoking, and a delight to read. I heartily and happily give my endorsement to this latest collection. Enjoy!" - Bishop Joseph L Coffey, Vicar for Veterans Affairs, Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA
On the occasion of the 9/11 Boatlift 20th Anniversary Tribute: "Thank you Chaplain: We appreciate you thinking of us as we prepare to honor the heroes, victims and survivors. Your maritime-related prayers continue to uplift many of our members." - Jessica LM Hitchen, Executive Director, New York Council Navy League
"May The Mercy Ocean be a source of consolation for all who ponder on its gems of wisdom." - Very Rev. Peter S. Kucer, MSA, STD; President-Rector of Holy Apostles College & Seminary.
"To those who meditate, the Spirit's gift of Knowledge and Understanding is abundant, and the Heart of Jesus is open for us to see if we seek Him in such a path. Father Vincent's short work of collected meditations and memorable quotes from various sources is a simple and genuine fruit of his own labor of meditation. Enveloped in beautiful images, and even more beautiful thoughts, The Mercy Ocean is a piece meant to help those along their own path of meditation. Read slowly, read carefully, and read seeking the face of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary." - Fra. Angelo, Knights of the Holy Eucharist
"More than a sailor's retreat, Fr. Vincent Salamoni's The Mercy Ocean is a sailor's delight in the way it inspires the contemplative to cast out into the deep of God's mercy and grace." - Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, author of The Narrative Spirituality of Dante's Divine Comedy: a hundred-day guided journal