'The Merchant of Venice' is a 16th-century intriguing drama of love, greed, and revenge written by William Shakespeare, an English playwright, poet, and actor. He is widely considered the most splendid writer in the English language and the world's most remarkable dramatist.
At its core, the play distinguishes the characters of the maddened and revengeful Shylock, a Venetian moneylender, with the generous, level-headed Portia, a wealthy young woman surrounded by suitors. At the play's climax, Shylock insists on the enforcement of a binding contract that will cost the life of the merchant Antonio-provoking Portia to mount a memorable defense.
In this richly plotted drama, Shylock, whom Shakespeare gave all of the depth and vibrancy of his greatest characters, is not alone in his wickedness. In scene after scene, a large cast of enterprising and fraudulent characters displays that honesty is a quality often tested where matters of love and money are concerned.
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