Achieve an Authentic Happiness and Satisfaction With a Few Simple Steps. Imagine your life without stress, anger, resentment, disappointment. What if you are waking up in the morning and feeling fine? Your mind is clear. No one gets on your nerves. Everything else is the same as ever, but nothing bothers you anymore-not children's high voices, your spouse, stress, traffic, co-workers, news, or even politics. You are absolutely happy! That's what you'll get from applying some mental hygiene techniques into your life.
Plus, your body will thank you. Resolving your stress anger negative beliefs resentment issues is the greatest thing you can do for your health. It will save your heart, arteries, your immunity, your brain, and enable you to live longer. These are all excellent reasons for reading this book and getting rid of toxic thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
New York Times bestselling author, Anthony Glenn, presents the remarkable findings of his study of happiness psychology. Based on survey research of happy, successful people and personal experience, Anthony Glenn answer the questions: what are the secrets of authentic happiness and satisfaction?
Here you can find solutions that will help you stop feeling stressed and become more calm, peaceful, and satisfied. Step by step, you'll dig up the causes of your failures and deal with them. You'll learn how to slow down and change your old patterns for new, more appropriate behaviors and ways of thinking. You'll also read how mindfulness can make you more compassionate, balanced, and at peace with yourself and the rest of the world.
We'll show you some proven methods and stress management techniques that you can learn and adapt. If you choose only a few of them and maintain them in your everyday life, they'll bring you obvious benefits.
You'll discover:
- Why happiness is a choice you make
- How to change your beliefs and the skills for improving them
- How and when to use positive affirmations
- How to choose what to think and how to feel
- How to set up a positive mindset and make the power of habit work for you
- How to forgive and boost your self-esteem
- How and why to step out of your comfort zone
- How to prevent stress and anxiety and, in this way, avoid depression
- Why daily meditation is suitable for you and how to do it
- BONUS How to make your environment work for you
- And much more!
Buy this book NOW and get all the necessary knowledge and skills to regain balance in life and become happier, using different healthy habits that will bring you more success and a broader vision of this beautiful world where miracles can still happen.
Scroll to the top of this page, click the "BUY NOW with 1-Click" button, and LET'S BEGIN!