Adolescence is a stage of human development. Adolescence as defined by WHO is
the period between ages of 10-19 years which is characterized by human growth and
development. The term 'Adolescence' came from the Latin word meaning 'to grow'
or 'to grow to maturity'. The period of adolescence can also be referred as second
decade of life and is an important phase of life-span. Thus, it can be said that
adolescent is a period of life which is the line of transition from childhood to maturity
(Newman and Newman, 1986). According to Jersild, (1978), "Adolescence is that
span of years during which boys and girls move from childhood to adulthood,
mentally, emotionally, socially and physically." In the words of Piaget (1969),
"Adolescence is the age when the individual becomes integrated into the society of
adults, the age when the child no longer feels that he is below the level of his elders
but equal, at least in rights." Thus, adolescence is the phase where an individual is
neither considered as children, nor they are considered as adults. Therefore they are in
mid-way of childhood and adulthood phase. As stated earlier there is an intense
increase of physical changes, also rapid growth and development takes place. It
signifies one of the vital changes such as in the life span that occurs within an
individual. In the words of Luella Cole (1961), "Adolescence is a period of growth. In
the course of few years, the individual undergoes changes in both sizes and
proportions- through which one can see him from a childish to a mature level." There
are physical, cognitive, social as well as emotional changes during adolescence.
However, the timing and pace of changes may vary from individual to individual.
According to Ingersoll, (1989), an individual attains a new sense of self and
establishes a sense of self identity. Feelings of self-worth are developed which
includes an attraction of his or her body image, adaptation to increased intellectual
abilities and preparing for adult roles." Many researchers have divided the
adolescence into various stages, which are as stated below: