Mending Butterfly Wings is the third installment in the Revealing series, which explores the premise that the human species has been developed by another race as mere toys for manipulation.
Kenny Spears has spent his young life moving from trailer park to trailer park with his alcoholic mother. At the age of thirteen, Kenny has seen more than his fair share in life-but he's never seen a girl as beautiful as Samantha Roads.
Although they come from different worlds, they know they're meant for each other when they are together in the forest. Kenny and Sam enjoy an enchanted summer of innocent bliss...until a tragic incident brings everything to a halt.
Moving on, Kenny will get together with another girl, develop into a local basketball star, and eventually, through the callous manipulations of the Supreme Beings carrying out a grand scheme for their own amusement, father a mixed-race child who becomes the greatest basketball player in That World.
An emotional rollercoaster ride through light and dark, triumph and failure, Mending Butterfly Wings deals with important social issues such as classism, racism, and death with dignity-with a unique satirical twist.
About the Author: Craig P. Wilson works in a nursing home as a personal support worker, helping to maintain older people's dignity. He lives in a small town in Canada and has two wonderful children and a very supportive partner.
Wilson loves traveling with his family to the largest island in the Caribbean. His experiences there have helped him to write the Revealing series, which explores the true nature of the human condition.