Welcome to the memory puzzles book - packed with puzzles, exercises and tasks to train your brain and improve your memory This book features a range of different puzzles. Some of these relate directly to memory, asking you to commit a list of words, a passage of text, or words in a foreign language to mind, and then recall as much as you can later on. Other puzzles will require you to delve into your memory to answer general knowledge quiz questions, whilst still others will ask you to be creative, as you try to find links between various words, and more besides.
Unless specifically instructed otherwise, you should take the puzzles at your own pace, and don't worry if you don't recall as much as you would like first time around. There is no limit to how many times you can try the puzzles and tasks, so you can come back to them time and again. For instance, if you play the foreign language puzzle games several times over the course of a few weeks, then you might just be able to tell people that you know how to say ten different words in six other European languages - a very impressive, and potentially useful, feat!
The book starts off with a number of tips on how to improve your memory, discussing some common techniques that can be used in order to commit a list of items to memory. The book starts off by discussing the journey method, whereby you create a journey that is familiar to you (for instance, a commute to work, a walk you used to do as a child, your morning 'journey' through the house), and associate each room with an item you want to remember with a colourful, memorable image. Equipped with these memory tips, you will be well-faced to solve the challenges in the book.
Some of the challenges are visual, asking you to for instance look at a series of coloured counters, commit them to memory, and then see if you can work out which ones have swapped position in a later image. Or you might be asked to commit a series of numbers to memory, and then work out which sum is possible based on the numbers you saw. In many cases, the puzzles get more difficult as you work through the book, requiring more information to be remembered.
Some puzzles are in the form of general knowledge quiz questions, others ask you to work out associations between various words, and others will challenge you with learning new things. Across a wide range of different visual, perception, general knowledge and creative puzzle types along with the memory tips that are given at the start of the book, we hope that this puzzle book will be very useful for those looking to improve their memory.