Memory is the mechanism by which world information is collected in our brain, to give us an understanding of who we are. This asks us what we experienced yesterday, or five years ago, and this will instruct us to what to do next. A nursery rhyme may trigger memories of our youth, or a happy memory may come to mind while we listen to a type of music. Think of what would happen if you lose your mind all of a sudden? Hold on and imagine 2 minutes! You'd be up to nothing. As Plato once said about memory -' all knowledge is memory.' If you completely lose your memory you'd have to spend time learning everything from beginning, just like a newborn child.
In reality, anything we do in our life can be linked to memory every second because all of our knowledge is focused on it. An argument to illustrate this: If you didn't remember the sounds of the alphabet's 26 letters you wouldn't be capable of reading this book right now.
The most complicated organ known to man is the human brain. Because humans are the species with the largest brain-at least in comparison to body size-it is no wonder that their systems are very complex. The brain controls any small aspect of one's life, from breathing, circulating the air, walking and sensing the world around us, to more abstract (thinking) functions, responding to external stimuli and controlling emotions. Indeed, strong emotions like love and hate emerge from the brain, quite the reverse of the ancient stories that tell us that love emerges from our souls. Sex drive and the impulse to bear children often emerge from the brain, in addition to desires and body functions. All of these actions, processes and impulses arise at an unconscious level, because our brain does not have to keep us informed of our hormone production, circadian rhythm or blood circulation, and this helps us to concentrate on more nuanced, cognitive issues such as drawing up plans, learning new skills and analyzing our environment knowledge.
The brain is the largest data storage facility ever to exist, far beyond a man's testicles ' storage capacity (yes, if you're a man you can be proud of your collection, as they hold more data than any computer). The brain collects information every second, and retains it. In fact, half a second is a long time for the brain, because the pace at which it operates is extremely rapid. Billions of photos, sounds, messages, and ideas are processed by the brain in one unit of time.