A poetic "coming of age" derived from an overly romantic heart.
Melancholy Musings of a Shameless Romantic shares the sentimental sorting through and
sense making of life, love and loss therein. Whether finding your place in the world, finding a
partner to navigate that world with or finding your way back to yourself, these poetic musings
might mirror your own.
These poems are about love wanted, love returned, love unrequited...with songs about
heartbreak, sadness, rejection and bliss.
Sunday evenings seem to be
when I sense you the most
I wonder if it's because somewhere out there
you are thinking of me as strongly as I am of you
I like to believe that maybe our souls
meet in our dreams on Sunday nights
Maybe that would explain
why I wake up every Monday
missing you with a renewed fierceness
Our souls know we should be together
and they are brave enough
to cross the boundaries
that we are not
My pen helped me place it all into perspective... perhaps
it may provide perspicuity to you too.