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Do you know that the Mediterranean Diet is one of the best ways to lose weight, increase your energy, and even improve your lifespan?
The Mediterranean Diet is a popular diet that is associated with many health benefits. The diet focuses on a few key principles including a liberal use of vegetables, fruits, grains, fish and olive oil.
The Mediterranean Diet is not one specific food plan that can be followed indefinitely. The diet allows for the occasional indulgence, but it focuses on healthy foods like vegetables, fruits and grains rather than treats or high-fat foods.
Dieting trends have come and gone in the past, but the Mediterranean Diet may be here to stay. Many followers of the diet attribute its success to its focus on healthy foods like vegetables, fruits and grains rather than treats or high-fat foods.
This book covers:
- Why the Mediterranean Diet?
- Mindset for Your Diet Success
- Basic Principles
- Exercise Is Essential
- Breakfast
- Lunch Recipes
- Snacks
- Dinner Recipes
- Meatless Meals
And much more!
The Mediterranean Diet is based on the premise that it is better to eat a variety of plant-based foods. These foods are used as the main source of calories in this particular plan. One of the basic principles of this eating plan is that one should eat a variety of vegetables, fruits and whole grain breads and cereals every day. This means that meat products should be limited to twice weekly or less as well as processed meats like hot dogs and sausages.
In addition to eating healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, grains, fish, nuts and olive oil; this eating plan requires frequent consumption of tea or coffee. It also includes frequent consumption of wine with meals and drinking water throughout the day. Finally a daily dose of exercise is included in this eating plan as well.
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