Here is a proposal for a unique, mindful meditation that is unlike anything you have ever encountered before. Not "Contemplative Prayer," not "Affirmations", "Real Meditation for Real Alcoholics" goes beyond the common techniques of self-management and mind control and introduces readers to a non-religious, mindful technique that is the "missing link" to spiritual liberation.
With its logical, practical, yet amazingly simple presentation, "Real Meditation for Real Alcoholics, also serves as the companion piece to a set of free audio links accompanying this book. Readers are encouraged to use and freely share with others, the complimentary downloads and streaming links to a lightly "guided" narratives in the author's own voice.
Front matter includes unsolicited testimonials of recovered alcoholics all over the world who have experienced dramatic life changing results immediately after beginning this meditation technique as taught and practiced by the author.
Through the power of word, experience and personal example, author Danny J. Schwarzhoff introduces a revolutionary, "cradle to grave" delineation of alcoholic obsession, craving and spiritual disease, imparting an understanding of the malady that corroborates the description of the alcoholic proffered through "Alcoholics Anonymous".
In this inaugurate presentation, Schwarzhoff demystifies alcoholism and addiction, using his own experiences to hit readers in their visceral sweet spot. Even non-alcoholics will identify with the author's characterizations of the flawed, human condition presented in clear terms anyone can easily follow.
Readers receive a clear illustration of the mysteriously simple dynamics of spiritual disease and spontaneous spiritual awakening along with a heavy emphasis on the daily maintenance of the awakened, conscious state through the Twelve Step style meditation provided.
"Real Meditation for Real Alcoholics" convinces readers that, like the author, they too can easily access a very special spiritual skill that is unlike any they have ever seen before. It will enliven their recovery experience while still practicing the Principles they so cherish, thereby resolving any Step Eleven dilemma common to recovered and recovering alcoholics.
The search for a powerful, effective daily meditation is over.
About the Author: Danny J. Schwarzhoff was born in the Bronx, New York City. As a recovered alcoholic and pioneer in the field of meditation for alcoholics, Schwarzhoff transforms the way the recovery community views spiritual disease, awakening and healing through teaching how to effectively engage in an "Alcoholics Anonymous" style, 12-step friendly meditation exercise. Astonishingly, he gives it away free.
Danny's proposals center on a profoundly simple way of living, made possible through a unique form of meditation he first discovered as a child and today continues to practice and teach others. Through it he has established a way of life for himself and his immediate family that is free from anger and stress. The proposed practice effortlessly liberates the practitioner from the perennial bondage of self.
Danny has helped thousands discover a way to live in perfect peace and ease, free from the seductive influences that have controlled and ruined their lives. His credentials include documented experience with overall wellness and a tangible history of recovery from major depression, anxiety, ADD, smoking, onset type II diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol and sugar-food-substance addictions. These remarkable recoveries are chronicled and evidenced through a complete medical, psychological "file" delineating how over the last decade Danny has shed the need for prescription drugs as the result of conscious contact with God through the meditative existence. He writes several popular and enduring blogs about alcoholism, meditation, recovery and spirituality-based solutions to life's problems. For over eight years standing, both Google and Yahoo have ranked Danny as the number one "Recovered Alcoholic."
He currently lives on Cape Cod in Massachusetts with his wife Nancy and their two teenage children, Danny Jr. and Kristen. The Schwarzhoffs are a complete family unit, enjoying emotional, mental, and physical health and a harmonious lifestyle free from harmful stress. In July 2012 the Schwarzhoffs celebrated their 33rd wedding anniversary.