Discover the Single Most Profound Secret of Exponential Success...The Hidden Formula Behind History's Greatest Achievements Whether you seek wealth and prosperity, research breakthroughs, political influence, business growth, or simply popularity, power, and fame, this is the game-changing phenomenon, the powerful hidden force you need to achieve extraordinary success. Uncover the supreme organizing principle of accumulating, accelerating success and learn how to profit from its self-reinforcing, self-amplifying power.
Have you ever wondered why sometimes the most ordinary people are able to easily amass vast fortunes, boundless resources, or countless customers, followers, or fans-skyrocketing toward blockbuster success-while other equally intelligent, hard working people struggle to build a base or make ends meet?The Medici Maxim reveals this mysteriously hidden hand of profound potential power. Rather than an incremental step on the journey to your dream, this book unearths a far-reaching, trailblazing phenomenon. It's a law of nature that takes on a life of its own. It's a force that, once effectively harnessed, can catapult you to extraordinary heights.
The blueprint for achieving exponential success, The Medici Maxim demystifies the invisible power that transforms small advantages into staggering results. Drawing on thousands of hours of research, Harvard and Columbia-trained researcher, Professor Johnny Welch, reveals the hidden dynamics and mechanics behind one of the most consequential success concepts ever encountered so you too can align with and leverage the ultimate force behind geometric success.
The Medici Maxim adopts a historical storytelling approach to reveal the 9 corollary principles distilled from centuries of the successful, strategic application of the Matthew Effect-the same actionable principles and practices that transformed the Medici from humble wool merchants into one of the wealthiest and most influential dynasties in European history.
Pioneering an unconventional approach to success-while drawing on the wisdom of history and recent social science research-this book unveils the secret strategies the world's greatest achievers use to activate, amplify, and accelerate their accumulating advantages.
In this book, you will: - Discover the principles, processes, and feedback loops that underpin the Matthew Effect and have driven history's greatest successes; including the Medici family, whose wealth and influence shaped the Renaissance; Napoleon Bonaparte, whose strategic genius expanded his empire across Europe; and Winston Churchill, whose unshakeable leadership altered the course of history.
- Learn how iconic historical figures as diverse as King Louis XIV, Frederick Douglass, Ferdinand Magellan, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, Amelia Earhart, P.T. Barnum, Estée Lauder and others exploited various different dynamics of the Matthew Effect to achieve their desires and shape their destinies.
- Unmask the strategies, tactics, and tools you need to harness the power of this supreme success principle to transform your personal and professional life.
Sound too fantastic? The truth is this only scratches the surface of what has been demonstrated again and again throughout history. But not without taking action.
Leverage the timeless and universal principles that have shaped the wealth, power, and success of history's highest achievers and transform the way you think, plan, and approach everything else you are doing to succeed. Actively apply these principles and you will expand your horizons and clear your path to rise to the stunning heights of hyperbolic success.
Don't miss out on the one key success factor that can radically transform your life. Order this revolutionary, research-backed roadmap for realizing your ultimate purpose now and let your journey to exponential success begin toda