Medical Terminology Complete! takes a programmed approach to presenting the most current language of healthcare. Organized by body system, the text conveys the medical terms used in medical offices, hospitals and clinics, together with essential A&P information.
You'll get step-by-step guidance in building medical terms. Word Part Reminders show you how word parts combine to form a term, while Word Part Breakdowns identify word parts. Some exercises offer word-building practice, while others use medical reports to show how medical terms are used in practice.
The 4th Edition improves clinical training for students poised to a launch a healthcare career. New types of chapter-ending exercises, such as Define the Combining Form and Complete the Labels exercises, round out a comprehensive series of practice opportunities.
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About the Author: About our author Bruce Wingerd is a member of the Biology Department at National University in San Diego, California. Previously, he has held teaching/administrative positions at Edison State College (now called Florida Southwestern State College), Broward College and San Diego State University.
His degrees are in the fields of zoology and physiology, and he has taught courses in medical terminology, human anatomy, advanced human anatomy and anatomy and physiology for more than 30 years. He has written numerous textbooks, lab manuals and multimedia learning resources in medical terminology, human anatomy, anatomy and physiology, histology and comparative mammalian anatomy.
His goal in teaching and writing is to provide students with learning tools that will help them reach their potential through education. He enjoys counseling students in the health sciences, developing novel approaches to teaching and learning, and leading faculty in the drive for excellence in education.