Social Media, Trump, and the Next Cataclysm
The Media Midas is a fictional novel presented as vignettes; some scenarios may involve exaggerations of true events and some may be entirely conceived from imagination. The purpose is to study how Donald Trump is able to utilize the pervasiveness of social media platforms to divide opinions and create new conceptions of truth in his favor to win the presidency. It also explores the unexpected consequences when he later attempts to apply the same principles for personal wealth expansion, the fundamental motivation behind his pursuit of the highest office.
Haunting dream imagery in the prologue plants a backdrop to real events that unfold later. In the first set of vignettes, Trump develops many methods to create alternative truths using social media and its extensive reach. Each method is unique and impacts the psyche of cross sections of people differently. In one instance, he uses simple messages in short bursts of communication that pacifies many clusters of people nostalgic about the past greatness of the country. In another, he utilizes his past success and star stature to circumvent the validity of his controversial policies. The stories explore the impact each human being has from variations in truth and affirm Trump's political strategy and rise to power.
Coupled effectively with ingenuous use of social media, the powerful office of the presidency should help the actor amass wealth at viral scale. His powerful touch is tantamount to the golden touch that Midas acquired to dramatically change his fortunes. The first interlude sets the trajectory for the second set of vignettes.
From the Oval Office, the actor continues with the same social media-based influencing tactics to keep his voter base steadfastly behind him as he rapidly undoes well-established policies of past administrations. He unleashes a series of US-focused policies that detaches the country from the globalist agenda of the elites. He uses projections and deflections to keep the media and pundits in an uncontrollable spiral where his presence becomes intense and continuous. With increased viewership, profits surge in all media companies.
In the second interlude, a nightmare emerges in the ceiling of the presidential bedroom where the world is detached from social media platforms and therefore mired with unbendable truths. This world of finance and wealth is vital for realizing the original purpose of the wild ride to the White House.
Dreams continue in the final set of scenes where he experiences two situations that relate to his past and financial assets. Increased scrutiny threatens to unravel his dubious business tactics and financial performance. To pull himself out of this quagmire, he devises an enhanced social media platform that hosts an alternative world of finance. To turn the current elite-controlled financial system upside down, he desperately needs the next four-year term. A strong economy that could be a sure path meets with two unexpected and consecutive global onslaughts that take the wind out of his sail. As a one trick pony, he continues to push alternative truths, but the effect seems to be waning in an alarming way. This creates a starvation syndrome like the one experienced by Midas with his golden touch, when his meals and loved ones turned inadvertently into useless figures of gold.