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Mechanics (for BPUT)


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About the Book


  • With its fresh thinking approach and updated with the latest business messages and new examples, Funky Business will ensure that you are always on the right side of change.
  • This new edition will rewrite the future for organisations and leaders.


About the Authors

Funkster 1: Kjell Nordström Kjell is based at the Institute of International Business at the Stockholm School of Economics. He received his PhD before helping to found the prestigious Advanced Management Program, which attracts the elite of Scandinavian business leaders. His research has focused on internationalization, and, his ideas work; he makes things happen. He is also on the board of directors of Stokke Fabrikker, Swedish Internet company Spary Ventures and US digital change agent Razorfish. His advice has been key to many other organizations across the globe.  


Funkster 2: Jonas RidderstrSle Based at the Center for Advanced Studies in Leadership at the Stockholm School of Economics, Jonas is at the forefront of the new generation of European-based business gurus. He has an MBA, a doctorate and a book on global innovation under his belt. He has run the Advanced Management Program and has been lecturer, adviser and consultant to many international companies - enabling them to look to the future creatively and develop dynamic strategies and solutions. In his spare time (yes really) he is an art collector and backs one of Sweden's funkiest galleries.


  • Shyam Pather is the Technical Lead for the SQL Notification Services Team and has presented various aspects of SQL-NS at conferences across the country
  • A complete resource that really teaches SQL-NS application development and the underlying architectural concepts
  • Based on three years of experience teaching SQL-NS to new customers

·         The Truth About Series helps you gain an advantage in the areas of your life that really matter to you. Each book contains approximately 50 Truths and every Truth is a tool to make you more successful

·         There are many books on the hot topic of innovation but none are focused, practical and fun. There is a real need for a definitive guide, based on real research that isn't too long and academic for the busy, real-world audience of managers and professionals. 

·         Includes invaluable lessons from over 100 interviews with leading innovators.

·         The author works with very large organisations (Microsoft, Toyota, etc) and so has gained a huge network of potential readers.

  • Focussed on market needs - evidence-based and developed entirely from customer information.
  • USP - 15 most common mistakes.
  • Sales channel through author's own company and publicity.
  • Added value - templated and website material.

A leadership book with a difference, Living Leadership delivers an insightful and practical lesson in how real leaders behave, day by day.

·         Quality executive-level treatment of an in-demand subject. Leadership development is what companies are spending money on.

·         Both practical and profound – enough "how-to" to gain continuing sales and enough powerful insights to win publicity.

·         Based on unique and robust research – featured in Economist and Financial Times.

·         The perfect antidote to the masses of heroic leadership biographies about the cult of charismatic, transformational leaders.

·         Leadership is rarely taught well (or at all) at business school. Yet the challenge of leadership has never appeared so individually demanding, or so publicly crucial to the success of an enterprise.

  • Everybody likes to feel they are getting ‘special’ advice tailored for their specific personality ‘type’. The popularity of horoscopes reflects this. 
  • Personality profiling in still very much in vogue in the business world.  
  • Solid research base – the book is based on a profiling model. 
  • Now Discover Your Strengths is high up in the business chart. 
  • Author success: Confidence 9780273715139 is ranked 14th in the Popular Psychology market and has sold over 18,000 copies since it's publication in July 2008 (TCM Full Year 2008).
  • Benchmarks: Now, Discover Your Strengths 9781416502654 is ranked 16th in the Popular Psychology market, 17,280 copies sold (TCM Full Year 2008).


  • Illustrated with case studies detailing entrepreneurs who have transformed their businesses with social media marketing, this inspiring and informative new book shows readers what works, why it works, and how to use it to promote their own business.
  • Step-by-step guidance through the various tools available and will also help readers decide what would work best for them
  • Extensive glossary that cuts through the jargon.
  • Advice on how to get someone else to help, if readers recognise that their business stands a lot to gain from online marketing but their not quite ready to take the plunge themselves.
  • Covers all the major online tools available and for each one gives a case study showing how it has been used by small businesses, explaining what it is, why it works, how to use it and how to measure the results.
  • Brilliant outcomes
  • Gain a comprehensive, jargon-free overview of online marketing
  • Understand how to tell an online fad from a genuine opportunity
  • Know which methods yield the best rewards and how to use them
  • Provides senior managers and executives with the powerful, coherent, practical and accessible guidance they need to drive value-adding change in their business.
  • Encompasses what that level of management need to know, with sufficient theory, but primarily concrete guidance on achieving change.
  • Powerful, practical advice to help executives make essential business decisions.
  • A concise and focused overview to give executives the crucial information they need
  • Special design to help busy business leaders get the knowledge they need, fast.
  • Provides tried and test tools, processes and techniques that are grounded in the reality of everyday business life. It offers a simple approach to strategic communication that will help readers develop a practical framework for thinking about management communications, with questions to ask, examples and things to think about.
  • Structured in the series format of the Financial Times Briefing series, which will become the standard reference source for the business leader, concise, pithy and to the point, the FT Briefings series offers busy decision makers the answers to business critical issues in less than 200 pages.
  • Provides senior managers and executives with the powerful, practical and accessible guidance they need to transform the effectiveness of communication within their business.
  • Powerful, practical advice to help executives make essential business decisions.
  • A concise and focused overview to give executives the crucial information they need.
  • Special design to help busy business leaders get the knowledge they need, fast.
  • For the non-financial executive in a key functional or general management position it’s important to understand the critical financial issues that affect their business unit.
  • Brilliant outcomes
  • Gain a comprehensive, jargon-free overview of online marketing
  • Understand how to tell an online fad from a genuine opportunity
  • Know which methods yield the best rewards and how to use them
  • A compelling read for all those who feel harried and hassled by their personal and professional commitments, this book offers effective, practical solutions to the everyday problems and challenges they face.
  • Based on a lifetime of getting things done and hitting deadlines, the author combines psychological principles with powerful practical solutions.
  • The book will give readers effective ways of deciding what’s most important and how to prioritise it on a daily and weekly basis, it will enable readers to avoid wasting time in unproductive meetings and empower them to deal with procrastination - one of the most common time management issues.
  • What sets truly great leaders apart from just good leaders is that they don’t just act differently, they think differently. This practical, results-focused book will show readers how to think differently and think like a leader.
  • Using case studies, examples and interviews with great leaders, such as Dennis Nally, the Global Chair of Price Waterhouse Coopers and  Irene Dorner, President and CEO of HSBC in the US, Think like a Leader identifies five steps to help the reader think like a leader
  • In the fourth edition of this easy-to-read and logically structured guide, Richard Koch leads you through each critical step in creating, delivering and understanding successful strategy.
  • Suitable for both business unit strategy and corporate strategy, this book shows readers which questions to ask, how to go about answering them and what action to take as a result.
  • With two separate A-Z sections on key strategic thinkers and on key strategic tools, techniques and models, this unbeatable handy reference gives the reader a thorough, straightforward grounding in strategy.

·         Condensing management MBA theory to provide support on 112 critical business topics, The Mobile MBA focuses on what works in practice, giving readers everything they need to be effective in business.

·         The book breaks down the key ideas of the MBA into bite-sized chunks and shows readers how to use them in practice and the second part fills the holes left by the MBA to give readers a quick reference check to the survival skills of management.

·         Demystifying the mysteries of the MBA and laying out the simple principles which lie behind the grand theory and the big talk, this is a book readers can dip into to give ideas and refresh their thinking when they face a tough challenge.



·         Aimed at anyone who is lacking confidence, feeling powerless, afraid of conflict or feels they could do with learning the secrets of persuading, influencing and getting their own way without any unpleasantness.

·         Contains 100 principles and strategies covering a range of situations both inside and outside of work.

·         With a double page spread dedicated to each of the 100 points, the book is easy to read in bite size chunks, enabling readers to dip in and out as they wish.

·         Lots of simple, easily achievable strategies, which readers can put into practice at whatever speed they chose.

·         No tedious theory, no elaborate, complicated techniques or faddy jargon, just insightful, practical, wise guidance – and lots of it with plenty of ideas from the start.

·         Written by the best-selling author of UNIX in a Nutshell and other popular O'Reilly books.Features

  • 230,000 words, phrases, and meanings
  • 165,000 corpus-based examples
  • Integrated Collocations Dictionary with over 65,000 collocations
  • Integrated Thesaurus with over 18,000 synonyms, antonyms, and related words
  • Register notes focus on the differences between spoken and written English
  • 3000 most frequent words in spoken and written English highlighted
  • Clear definitions using only 2000 common words
The ultimate DVD-ROM resource for reference and practice
  • 88,000 pronounced examples and 1 million additional corpus examples
  • 147,000 collocations plus 48,000 synonyms, antonyms, and related words
  • Thousands of interactive exercises including practice for FCE, CAE, CPE, IELTS, and TOEIC®
  • Longman Vocabulary Trainer – the quickest way to learn and revise vocabulary
  • Longman Writing Assistant – write correct English first time, every time.
Free online access – www.longmandictionariesonline.com
  • 300,000 words, phrases, and meanings
  • Regular updates give access to the very latest language support
  • 230,000 words, phrases, and meanings
  • 165,000 corpus-based examples
  • Integrated Collocations Dictionary with over 65,000 collocations
  • Integrated Thesaurus with over 18,000 synonyms, antonyms, and related words
  • Register notes focus on the differences between spoken and written English
  • 3000 most frequent words in spoken and written English highlighted
  • Clear definitions using only 2000 common words
The ultimate DVD-ROM resource for reference and practice
  • 88,000 pronounced examples and 1 million additional corpus examples
  • 147,000 collocations plus 48,000 synonyms, antonyms, and related words
  • Thousands of interactive exercises including practice for FCE, CAE, CPE, IELTS, and TOEIC®
  • Longman Vocabulary Trainer – the quickest way to learn and revise vocabulary
  • Longman Writing Assistant – write correct English first time, every time.
Free online access – www.longmandictionariesonline.com
  • 300,000 words, phrases, and meanings
  • Regular updates give access to the very latest language support
  • Learner-centric approach, related to everyday activity, encourages learner participation.
  • Teacher’s Notes at the end of each chapter provide easy teaching reference with ample room for creativity.
  • Think stimulates learner’s curiosity, and Project achieves learning by doing.
  • Think and Answer gives varied exercises to reinforce learning.
  • I Now Know encapsulates the key points of every chapter for easy reference.
  • Do You Know? provides additional information and enriches the knowledge base.
  • Talk About at the end of each unit provokes discussion, promotes participation among the learners and enhances learning.
  • Snap Recap at the end of each unit tests the integrated learning outcome.
  • A Pure Woman? Questions of Subjectivity and Identity in Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Swati Pal
  • The Ethics of Alterity and the Politics of Bourgeoise Identity: Anxiety of Class in Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Someshwar Sati
  • Call Me Tess: Seeing and Believing by Sanam Khanna
  • The procedure to solve a problem is explained in The Method which is independent of any programming language.
  • A detailed Flowchart is given for each problem to determine the sequence of operations.
  • Just required C details are provided in C Tips to enable learners gain insights.
  • Complete C programs are provided for each example discussed.
  • Includes end-of-chapter exercises to test your understanding.
  • Save time,conserveorganizational resources, and manage software projects more efficiently by learning to anticipate future needs
  • Key points are supported by case studies derived from real-world projects
  • Teaches the nuts and bolts of estimating a project, an iteration, or even a task -- and teaches a variety of approaches to effective estimating
  • Uses a student-oriented approach that is accessible, yet does not over simplify difficult concepts and issues.
  • Features thinkers that represent most of the important theorists in the Western tradition.
  • Organizes theorists historically — from pre-Socratic philosophers to those of the contemporary era — with general historical context provided for each.
  • Explores an overarching theme throughout —the changing relationships of ethics and politics in Western political thought from Socrates to the present time.
  • Adds a chapter on Cicero that includes a substantial introduction to the major Hellenistic political philosophies as well as an historical overview of the events surrounding the rise of the Roman Empire.
  • Expands coverage of St. Augustine to include a discussion of some of the key political ideas of the Roman Empire as well as a more detailed analysis of St. Augustine's theocratic theory of the state
  • Briefly describes John of Salisbury (in the St. Thomas chapter) important as a late medieval pre-Aristotelian thinker.
  • Adds a section on patriarchy and the political exclusion of women in Locke's theory of contract.
  • Concludes with an analysis of contemporary political ideologies — from Burke through Marx and the rise of modern nationalism.
  • NEW—updates the chapter on Marx to reflect the demise of Soviet and East European communism and the current “death of communism” debate
  • Cites classic, mainstream sources in footnotes and bibliography.
  • Chapter-Opening Cases about how the economics about to be learned impact a real business (a) set a real context for learning (b) spark students' interest (c) provide a unifying theme for the chapter.
  • Chapter Examples and Figures consistently revisit the business discussed in the opener and use that business (or industry) to motivate the economic principles.
  • An Inside Look concludes chapters with a newspaper article illustrating how a key principle taught in the chapter was used by the chapter-opening case company to make a real business decision
About the Authors
R.Glenn Hubbard is the Dean and Russell L. Carson Professor of Finance and Economics in the Graduate School of Business at Columbia University and Professor of Economics in Columbia’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences. He is also a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research and a director of Automatic Data Processing, Black Rock Closed-End Funds, Dex Media, Duke Realty, KKR Financial Corporation, and Ripplewood Holdings. He received his Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University in 1983. From 2001–2003, he served as Chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, and from 1991–1993, he was Deputy Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury Department. Glenn Hubbard’s fields of specialization are public economics, financial markets and institutions, corporate finance, macroeconomics, industrial organization, and public policy. He is the author of more than 90 articles in leading journals, including the American Economic Review, Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Public Economics, Quarterly Journal of Economics, RAND Journal of Economics, and Review of Economics and Statistics. His research has been supported by grants from the National Science Foundation, the National Bureau of Economic Research, and numerous private foundations. Anthony Patrick O’Brien is a professor of economics at Lehigh University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1987. He has taught principles of economics for more than 15 years, in both large sections and small honors classes. He received the Lehigh University Award for Distinguished Teaching. He was formerly the director of the Diamond Center for Economic Education and was named a Dana Foundation Faculty Fellow and Lehigh Class of 1961 Professor of Economics. He has been a visiting professor at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and the Graduate School of Industrial Administration at Carnegie Mellon University. Anthony O’Brien’s research has dealt with such issues as the evolution of the U.S. automobile industry, the sources of U.S. economic competitiveness, the development of U.S. trade policy, the causes of the Great Depression, and the causes of black–white income differences. His research has been published in leading journals, including the American Economic Review, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, the Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, Industrial Relations, and the Journal of Economic History. His research has been supported by grants from government agencies and private foundations. In addition to teaching and writing, Anthony O’Brien also serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Socio-economics. Features
  • The sixteen original essays in the book discuss the effects of globalization on prevalent identities in India: political, religious, social, and cultural.

  • Perspectives from political science, history, sociology, economics, and international relations; identity politics in Kashmir, Punjab, North Bengal, Rajasthan and the North-East, as well as among the diaspora.

  • Popular understandings of liberalization and privatization, as also of the impacts of foreign direct investment; and various tendencies brought about by globalization, such as Unitarianism, majoritarian nationalism, and multiculturalism.
About the Authors
Bhupinder Brar is Professor and Coordinator, UGC Special Assistance Programme, Department of Political Science, Panjab University, Chandigarh. Ashutosh Kumar is Reader and Chairperson, Department of Political Science, Panjab University, Chandigarh. Ronki Ram is Reader, Department of Political Science, Panjab University, Chandigarh.Features
  • Provides a full understanding of what makes FreeBSD unique as an operating system
  • Covers current versions of Apache, MySQL and Sendmail
  • Coverage of everything the typical user or administrator needs to know to use FreeBSD to its fullest potential
  • Simple and lucid language explaining core concepts
  • Rich pedagogy that facilitates learning
  • Colourful and consistent art programme comprising over 300 four-colour illustrations that helps to visualize and comprehend concepts better
  • 400 end-of-chapter questions help revise the key concepts
  • Discussion of the latest developments in the area of immunology such as MHC haplotype matching for cell transplantation, latest antiretroviral drugs developed against HIV, etc.
  • Description of key contributors, researchers and their landmark experiments
  • Packed with supplements and media resources
    • Over 30 animations that depict key concepts in three dimensions
    • A question bank containing over 400 questions and clinical case studies along with lecture slides including artwork from the book, as supplements to the text, specifically for the instructors

Please click here to access additional student  resources such as animations and MCQs. 


  • Learner is gradually introduced to the unknown nuances of grammar through the known concepts drawn from immediate surroundings of the learner.
  • Varied themes of grammar are covered through examples from a wide range of subjects – family, good values, hygiene, festivals, culture, science and environment.
  • Graded levels according to the level of the class. There is systematic transition from one concept of grammar to another.
  • Presentation of each concept of grammar is interesting not didactic or rhetoric. It is different enough to capture the attention of the learners.
  • Language is simple and lucid according to learner’s level and vocabulary
  • Creative writing section imparts listening, speaking and writing skills needed for all genres of contemporary situations such as introduction, telephone conversation, notice writing, slogan writing or diary writing, etc.
  • Recap has been given at the end of each chapter for easy comprehension.
  • Interactive exercises are given within the chapter to consolidate learning and diverse range of exercises given at the end to test the learning outcome of the concept.
  • Learner is gradually introduced to the unknown nuances of grammar through the known concepts drawn from immediate surroundings of the learner.
  • Varied themes of grammar are covered through examples from a wide range of subjects – family, good values, hygiene, festivals, culture, science and environment.
  • Graded levels according to the level of the class. There is systematic transition from one concept of grammar to another.
  • Presentation of each concept of grammar is interesting not didactic or rhetoric. It is different enough to capture the attention of the learners.
  • Language is simple and lucid according to learner’s level and vocabulary
  • Creative writing section imparts listening, speaking and writing skills needed for all genres of contemporary situations such as introduction, telephone conversation, notice writing, slogan writing or diary writing, etc.
  • Recap has been given at the end of each chapter for easy comprehension.
  • Interactive exercises are given within the chapter to consolidate learning and diverse range of exercises given at the end to test the learning outcome of the concept.
  • Written by well-known computer scientists, this accessible and succinct introduction to database systems focuses on database design and use.
  • The authors provide in-depth coverage of databases from the point of view of the database designer, user, and application programmer, leaving implementation for later courses. It covers the latest database standards: SQL: 1999, SQL/PSM, SQL/CLI, JDBC, ODL, and XML, with broader coverage of SQL than most other texts.
  • Platform-independent, in-depth discussion of fundamental concepts
  • Lucid explanation of the solutions to the problem of process synchronization
  • An overview chapter that introduces relevant concepts and related terms
  • Running marginalia that presents additional information without disrupting the continuity of the text
  • Two detailed technological case studies, on Linux 2.6 and Microsoft Windows XP
  • Over 650 end-of-chapter questions and exercises
About the Authors
Sibsankar Haldar is Principal Staff Engineer at Motorola, Inc., Sunnyvale, California. Alex A. Aravind is Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science, University of Northern British Columbia.Features
  • Presents a very precise and simplified microeconomic model first, before introducing all the exceptions and subtleties of a more complex economic world.
  • A detailed summary about simple demand and supply to aggregate demand & supply approach can be found in the preface.
  • Updated and expanded end of chapter material.

  • Discusses the definition and evolution of corpus in linguistics, its salient features and utility in linguistics.

  • Indicates how software programmers and researchers can best utilize corpora.

  • Offers guidelines for the usage of a corpus for the functional and theoretical interpretation of a natural language.

  • Discusses the typological classification of existing corpora.

  • It talks about the generation of spoken and written corpus, particularly for Indian languages.

  • Shows how utilization of information from a corpus opens up new avenues for language research.

  • Also addresses the limitations of a corpus.
  • Demonstrates clearly why a 10x productivity gain can be expected by automating system design tasks.
  • Introduces the new specify-explore-refine paradigm, presently being used in industry in an ad-hoc manner, but never formally described.
  • Presents new methods and techniques — e.g., for translation, partitioning, exploration, refinement.
  • Outlines conceptual models designed to help readers in selecting the proper model to describe their systems; and specification languages to help them select the proper language for specification of their products.
  • Features a complete specification of a model product and demonstrates how to write the specification from an English description.
  • Contains an extensive bibliography that covers the most recent developments in the field.
  • NEW - Rural marketing memos in each chapter that provide tips and suggestions at all stages of marketing to rural customers, as well as directions in dealing with various marketing decisions
  • NEW - A South Asian perspective through new cases from South Asian countries that discuss a variety of aspects, including the socioeconomic characteristics of urban and rural consumers, demographics, and sociocultural nuances
  • NEW - Access to the cases of all the international versions of Marketing Management including USA, China, Middle East, Europe, Africa, Australia, and Canada
  • NEW - Cases on the companion Web site comprising teaching tips, take-home assignments, discussion, multiple-choice, and role-play questions
  • NEW - Breakthrough marketing boxes to highlight innovative and insightful marketing accomplishments by leading organizations

Additional student and instructor resources are available at www.pearsoned.co.in/marketingmanagementindia

About the Authors
Philip Kotler is the S. C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at Northwestern University. Kevin Lane Keller is the E. B. Osborn Professor of Marketing at Dartmouth College. Abraham Koshy is Professor of Marketing at the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad. Mithileshwar Jha is Professor of Marketing at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore.Features
  • Specially developed graded learning material organised in units based on NPE themes to allow infusion of different perspectives for a particular theme
  • Supplementary readings given in the course books to enhance reading skills
  • Learner-centric exercises hone language skills, discourage rote learning and encourage usage of applied grammar
  • Word meanings in primary classes and Shabdkosh from class 4 give meanings with usage, synonyms, antonyms, etc
  • Attractive layout and illustrations spur the imagination of the learner
  • Specially developed graded learning material organised in units based on NPE themes to allow infusion of different perspectives for a particular theme
  • Supplementary readings given in the course books to enhance reading skills
  • Learner-centric exercises hone language skills, discourage rote learning and encourage usage of applied grammar
  • Word meanings in primary classes and Shabdkosh from class 4 give meanings with usage, synonyms, antonyms, etc
  • Attractive layout and illustrations spur the imagination of the learner
  • Specially developed graded learning material organised in units based on NPE themes to allow infusion of different perspectives for a particular theme
  • Supplementary readings given in the course books to enhance reading skills
  • Learner-centric exercises hone language skills, discourage rote learning and encourage usage of applied grammar
  • Word meanings in primary classes and Shabdkosh from class 4 give meanings with usage, synonyms, antonyms, etc
  • Attractive layout and illustrations spur the imagination of the learner
  • Specially developed graded learning material organised in units based on NPE themes to allow infusion of different perspectives for a particular theme
  • Supplementary readings given in the course books to enhance reading skills
  • Learner-centric exercises hone language skills, discourage rote learning and encourage usage of applied grammar
  • Word meanings in primary classes and Shabdkosh from class 4 give meanings with usage, synonyms, antonyms, etc
  • Attractive layout and illustrations spur the imagination of the learner
  • Ample scope to enhance the Higher Order Thinking Skills ( HOTS) of language, positive thinking, synthesis, analysis, and exploration
  • Varied interactive exercises that reinforce the grammar concepts already learnt in the course books
  • Creative writing exercises including dialogue writing, slogan writing, advertisement, speech writing, short paragraphs, notice and letter
  • Card games with every workbook till class 5 to aid interactive as well as independent learning
  • Ample scope to enhance the Higher Order Thinking Skills ( HOTS) of language, positive thinking, synthesis, analysis, and exploration
  • Varied interactive exercises that reinforce the grammar concepts already learnt in the course books
  • Creative writing exercises including dialogue writing, slogan writing, advertisement, speech writing, short paragraphs, notice and letter
  • Card games with every workbook till class 5 to aid interactive as well as independent learning
  • Core-based design, focusing on embedded cores and embedded memories
  • System-on-a-chip and ultra-large scale integrated design issues
  • AC scan, at-speed scan, and embedded DFT
  • Built-in self-test including memory BIST, logic BIST, and scan BIST
  • Virtual test sockets and testing in isolation
  • Design for reuse, including reuse vectors and cores
  • Test issues being addressed by VSIA and the IEEE P 1500 Standard
  • Over 7500 English base words and 28000 entries in four regional languages
  • Easy definitions and clear-cut comparison in all the four languages
  • Derivatives of words in different parts of a speech for deeper understanding
  • Prevent, detect, and mitigate breaches from the inside--build security in from the get-go
  • Learn theory, techniques, and tools to implement network security monitoring for internal intrusions
  • A big advantage of Richard's writing style is that he explains the important concepts from a high level, and then provides a description of how to implement the processes
  • Richard authored the acclaimed Tao of Network Security Monitoring in 2004
  • Well laid out and beautifully illustrated Primer introduces the learners to the world of numbers.
  • Notes for the teacher in the pre-primary level and class 1 act as guidelines and provide support while teaching. From class 2 onwards, these act as tips for the teachers and students alike on related topics.
  • Let us revise revisits the concept/concepts already learnt.
  • Try this! activities break the monotony of exercises and test application.
  • Remember lays stress upon the concept learnt.
  • Interesting facts engage the students with extra information about the topic.
  • Solved examples help in assimilation and retention of new topics.
  • Exercises help to build confidence in the subject through ample practice questions.
  • Worksheets and Model Test Papers at the end of the book are provided for recapitulation and self-evaluation.
  • Well laid out and beautifully illustrated Primer introduces the learners to the world of numbers.
  • Notes for the teacher in the pre-primary level and class 1 act as guidelines and provide support while teaching. From class 2 onwards, these act as tips for the teachers and students alike on related topics.
  • Let us revise revisits the concept/concepts already learnt.
  • Try this! activities break the monotony of exercises and test application.
  • Remember lays stress upon the concept learnt.
  • Interesting facts engage the students with extra information n about the topic.
  • Solved examples help in assimilation and retention of new topics.
  • Exercises help to build confidence in the subject through ample practice questions.
  • Worksheets and Model Test Papers at the end of the book are provided for recapitulation and self-evaluation.
  • Well laid out and beautifully illustrated Primer introduces the learners to the world of numbers.
  • Notes for the teacher in the pre-primary level and class 1 act as guidelines and provide support while teaching. From class 2 onwards, these act as tips for the teachers and students alike on related topics.
  • Let us revise revisits the concept/concepts already learnt.
  • Try this! activities break the monotony of exercises and test application.
  • Remember lays stress upon the concept learnt.
  • Interesting facts engage the students with extra information n about the topic.
  • Solved examples help in assimilation and retention of new topics.
  • Exercises help to build confidence in the subject through ample practice questions.
  • Worksheets and Model Test Papers at the end of the book are provided for recapitulation and self-evaluation.
Preparation and practice for the ALL NEW CCNA Security exam from the all-time best selling CCNA self-study test preparation series
  • All new CCNA Security coverage from the No. 1 selling CCNA product line
  • Includes coverage of all CCNA Security topics on the test, as well as a CD testing engine for exam practice and preparation
  • Expert guidance from best-selling author Kevin Wallace and Michael Watkins reinforces conceptual knowledge, hones configuration skills, and better prepares you for the CCNA Security exam
About the Authors

Michael Watkins, CCNA/CCNP/CCVP/CCSP, is a full-time senior technical instructor with SkillSoft Corporation. With 13 years of network management, training, and consulting experience, he has worked with organizations such as Kraft Foods, Johnson and Johnson, Raytheon, and the U.S. Air Force to help them implement and learn about the latest network technologies. In addition to holding more than 20 industry certifications in the areas of networking and programming technologies, he holds a bachelor of arts degree from Wabash College. Kevin Wallace, CCIE No. 7945, is a certified Cisco instructor working full time for SkillSoft, where he teaches courses in the Cisco CCSP, CCVP, and CCNP tracks. With 19 years of Cisco networking experience, he has been a network design specialist for the Walt Disney World Resort and a network manager for Eastern Kentucky University. He holds a bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering from the University of Kentucky. He is also a CCVP, CCSP, CCNP, and CCDP, with multiple Cisco security and IP communications specializations. Features
  • New flow sheets
  • New and expanded appendices, including Tactical EMS
  • Updated photo and art program throughout
  • Student CD-ROM packaged with text includes review questions, games, animations, and much more!
  • Learning goals through Objectives
  • Overview of the chapter through Introduction
  • Recap of concepts through solved examples
  • Application of concepts through Exercises
  • Real-world applications through Critical Thinking Exercises
About the Authors
M. B. Shah is a professor of mechanical engineering and the principal of Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College, Mumbai. B. C. Rana was an assistant professor at Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute.Features
  • New terms facilitate understanding of new words.
  • Facts and Do You Know enrich knowledge by giving additional information.
  • Case studies included for detailed study of some topics.
  • Activity and Let’s do reinforces learning through activities and projects.
  • Frequently Asked Questions with answers facilitate recapitulation.
  • Proven step-by-step "24 Hours" format offers an alternative to the professional-level UML introductions such as UML Distilled or Learning UML.
  • Now updated with improved diagrams and notation, and more detailed explanations in response to reader feedback on previous editions.
  • Covers the changes in UML 2.0 designed to support modern Object-Oriented and Component-based programming.
  • New terms facilitate understanding of new words.
  • Facts and Do You Know enrich knowledge by giving additional information.
  • Case studies included for detailed study of some topics.
  • Activity and Let’s do reinforces learning through activities and projects.
  • Frequently Asked Questions with answers facilitate recapitulation.
  • Introduces the student to the methodological issues specific to the humanities
  • Inculcates critical perspective towards the humanities
  • Elaborates upon the distinction between the methodologies of by the natural, social and human sciences
  • Dwells upon the questions concerning the relation between language and subjectivity and structure and agency in language
  • Introduces the reader to the theories of textuality in reading both Western and Indian literatures
About the Authors
Abhijit Kundu teaches sociology at Sri Venkateswara College, University of Delhi. Pramod K. Nayar teaches English at the University of Hyderabad. Shweta teaches philosophy at Miranda House, University of Delhi.Features
  • Written by a PowerPoint MVP and creator of PowerPoint Websites, www.Indezine.com and www.powerpointed.com
  • Troubleshooting sections provide tips on common problems one might encounter
  • NEW features icon identifies what is new in PowerPoint 2007
  • Case study sections called "Design Corner" provides a before and after look at a specific feature
About the Authors
Patrice-Anne Rutledge is the bestselling author of 24 computer and business books and a business presentations specialist. She is also a successful technology journalist who has contributed to magazines, newspapers, and websites around the world. Patrice has used–and has trained others to use–PowerPoint for many years, designing presentations for meetings, seminars, trade shows, and worldwide audiences. Special Edition Using Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 is her fourth book on PowerPoint. She can be reached through her website (www.patricerutledge.com). Geetesh Bajaj is a an MVP (Most Valuable Professional) for Microsoft PowerPoint, and heads Indezine, a presentation design studio based out of Hyderabad, India. Geetesh believes that any PowerPoint presentation is a sum of its elements–these elements include abstract elements like concept, color, interactivity, and navigation–and also slide elements like shapes, graphics, charts, text, sound, video, and animation. Geetesh also runs the well known indezine.com and ppted.com sites. Tom Mucciolo, founder and president of MediaNet, Inc. is an accountant turned actor turned author and an acclaimed speaker on presentation skills. He started his company in 1985, and he is a recognized expert at enhancing the key components of communication, including the message (script), the media (visual design) and the mechanics (delivery). His seminars and workshops have been rated as "exceptional" and "entertaining" and many consider Tom one of the world's top presentation specialists. He is also part of the faculty at NYU where he lectures and coaches key faculty and administrators toward becoming more effective communicators. Tom's one-to-one coaching sessions develop individual style and prepare a person for presenting in a very visual world. Tom can be reached at tom@medianet-ny.com or through his Web site at www.medianet-ny.com.Features
  • The Learning Goal System frames each chapter, giving students a clear roadmap through a tightly woven structure that links to each header, the end-of-chapter summary, discussion questions, problems, and cases.
  • The friendly and engaging writing style helps students learn the material the first time, and review the material before exams.
  • A flexible chapter structure allows professors to easily integrate the text into their syllabi. The first section describes the overall investment environment. The second section presents conceptual tools needed by investors—the concepts of risk and return and the basics of portfolio construction.
  • Written for C# 2.0, with detailed coverage of generics, anonymous methods, iterators, partial types, and background worker patterns
  • Helps developers move from C# 1.1 or from another language to C# 2.0
  • Features concise yet deep coverage with no fluff
  • Uses well thought out examples that are clear and to the point
  • Over 12,000 words and phrases, as used in the Longman Basic English Dictionary culled out of the British National corpora
  • Easy definitions in English, using only simple, basic set of words
  • Focus on colloquialism and spoken language in both source and target languages
  • Emphasis on the use of the Indian language equivalents of English words, thus facilitating learning
  • Thousands of authentic examples in both English and the Indian languages showing how these words are to be used
  • Over 12,000 words and phrases, as used in the Longman Basic English Dictionary culled out of the British National corpora
  • Easy definitions in English, using only simple, basic set of words
  • Focus on colloquialism and spoken language in both source and target languages
  • Emphasis on the use of the Indian language equivalents of English words, thus facilitating learning
  • Thousands of authentic examples in both English and the Indian languages showing how these words are to be used
  • Case studies and examples drawn from global and Indian companies such as Domtar, IBM, Godrej, Infosys, and Tata Steel
  • Increased focus on training issues faced by small businesses
  • Expanded coverage on computer-based training methods, cross-cultural training, and legal issues related to training
  • New content on careers and trends in training
About the Authors
P. Nick Blanchard is Professor of Management at the College of Business, Eastern Michigan University.

James W. Thacker is Professor Emeritus at the Odette School of Business, University of Windsor.

V. Anand Ram is Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources Management at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore.Features
  • Simplified derivations of theorems.
  • Completeness in the explanations.
  • Emphasis on clarity without diluting the rigor.
  • Concepts are fortified with examples and illustrations.
  • Variety of exercise problems with answers.
  • Super-drill problems to showcase the real time concepts.
  • Chapter summary for quick review.
  • Specific coverage: The topic flow matches that of the syllabus.
  • Many ‘Prove It!’ sections make concepts easier to understand by way of quick demonstrations of the relevant processes.
  • Issues relating to the neuroscience of memory and cognition will be helpful for those anticipating careers in social cognitive psychology, cognitive neuropsychology, clinical and forensic psychology, basic or applied cognitive psychology, and industrial-organizational psychology.
  • Themes of embodied cognition and emotion are interwoven in the text to help you understand how they relate to your everyday experience as well as to the other psychology courses you may be taking.
      • Core Fundamentals are presented without being intermingled with advanced or peripheral topics
      • Chapter 12 provides optional coverage of IC technology (inside-the-chip circuitry)
      • Introduction and objectives are at the beginning of each section within a chapter
      • Check up exercises conclude each section of a chapter
      • Each worked example has a Related Problem
      • Summaries at the end of each chapter aid in recapitulation.
      • Multiple-choice self-test at the end of each chapter
      • Coverage of CMOS and bipolar IC technologies
      About the Authors
      Martin Fowler is the Chief Scientist of ThoughtWorks, an enterprise-application development and delivery company. He's been applying object-oriented techniques to enterprise software development for over a decade. He is notorious for his work on patterns, the UML, refactoring, and agile methods.
      Kent Beck consistently challenges software engineering dogma, promoting ideas like patterns, test-driven development, and Extreme Programming. Currently affiliated with Three Rivers Institute and Agitar Software, he is the author of many Addison-Wesley titles.
      John Brant and Don Roberts are the authors of the Refactoring Browser for Smalltalk, which is found at http://st-www.cs.uiuc.edu/~brant/RefactoringBrowser/. They are also consultants who have studied both the practical and theoretical aspects of refactoring for six years.
      William Opdyke's doctoral research on refactoring object-oriented frameworks at the University of Illinois led to the first major publication on this topic. He is currently a Distinguished Member of Technical Staff at Lucent Technologies/Bell Laboratories.Features
      1. Crystal Structure
      2. Crystal Structure Determination
      3. Crystal Binding
      4. Lattice Vibrations
      5. Thermal Properties of Solids
      6. Dielectric Properties of Solids
      7. Free electron theory of metals-Static Properties
      8. Free electron theory of metals- Transport Properties
      9. Energy bands in solids
      10. Band theory of insulators and semiconductors
      11. Magnetism
      12. Magnetic Resonances
      13. Superconductivity
      14. Optical Properties of solids
      • Shows users how to tackle the new product which was meant to be the Go Live / Dreamweaver killer
      • Case study sections interjects authors real-world experiences and provides knowledge that will help readers see the whole picture
      • Troubleshooting sections included in each chapter illustrate common problems that someone might run into when working with the topic covered in that chapter
      • The text provides essential inputs to organizations to take crucial HR decisions, and also help organizations to align their business goals with the performance of the people.
      • Use of case studies and examples from companies like Mono India, AutoMart, Infosys, TCS, Proctor and Gamble
      • Use of opening vignettes, tables, boxes, exhibits, summary, key words, general and critical review questions for students practice.
      • 220 solved examples, 182 exercise problems and 140 multiple choice questions
      • Covers amplifiers and voltage regulators in detail
      • In-depth analysis of power amplifiers
      • JFET and MOSFET circuit analysis explained using graphical methods
      • Inverting and non-inverting amplifiers are thoroughly covered
      Examines the challenges and advantages of managing outsourced projects with the Rational Unified Process (RUP)
      • Coverage of key challenges faced by software development organizations
      • Better manage problems and satisfy customer needs
      • RUP is used by more than 10,000 companies around the world
      • Extensive documentation of the history of ET and how it has evolved
      • Clear segmentation of educational objectives
      • Detailed instructions on the teaching–learning processes
      • Concrete directives for creating the best lesson plans
      • Comprehensive set of glossary terms for quick reference
      • Extensive evaluation of key concepts
      • PowerShell is a new command line shell and scripting language that finally gives Microsoft admins the power of the old UNIX shells
      • PowerShell will be the foundation for Windows scripting going forward, starting with Exchange Server 2007 and Vista
      • IT Pros are desparate for information on PowerShell that will help them learn how to use it well
      • Three new chapters—‘Financial Environment in India’, ‘Emerging Methods of Financing’, and ‘Corporate Governance and Sustainability’
      • Several new case studies from companies like Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, Hindustan Unilever Limited, Hero Honda Motors, Apollo Tyres and Reliance Power
      • Extensive coverage of relevant topics such as efficient markets, share repurchase, empirical evidence, annuity, electronic funds transfers and loan pricing.
      • Expanded coverage of topics like time value of money, methods of capital budgeting, leverage-financial and operating, inventory management and receivables management
      • Class Interactive, a newly added feature to stimulate classroom discussion
      • Restructured content and newly added topics to facilitate ease in understanding the subject
      • Additional end-of-chapter mini-cases based on contemporary topics like services product, pricing and process people, to name a few
      • Two new book-end cases on current market scenarios
      • Focus on operational issues like service quality and management of demand and supply
      • End-of-chapter review questions and practical exercises to help readers understand concepts better
      • A CD-ROM containing MS Excel and Minitab data file for all the problems presented in the book.
      • Research in Action confers the readers with the ability to link concepts in the chapter with the real time practices of the industry.
      • The inclusion of Indian case studies provides a relatable and comprehendible platform for the students to apply in actual industrial situations.
      • Multivariate analysis computation difficulties are minimized by implementing solutions through software’s.
      • Extensive use of explanatory dialog boxes reinforces critical concepts providing simple descriptions for complex theories.

      ·         Business Insight boxes at the beginning and end of chapters for better understanding of concepts

      ·         Boxed items featuring interesting themes focusing on entrepreneurial challenges, global business implications, ethical and social considerations

      ·         A case study in each of the thirty six chapters

      ·         Large number of case examples from Indian companies such as Reliance Industries, Tata Motors, Genpact, ICICI Bank, Infosys, State Bank of India, Hero Honda, Tata Steel, etc.

      • Concepts explained with the help of diagrams and step-by-step illustrations
      • Exercises comprising - objective-type questions, essay-type questions, unsolved questions (with answers)
      • Over 600 solved illustrations and over 300 chapter-end
      About the Authors
      Dr. V. Rajasekaran has more than 35 years of teaching experience. Accountancy has been his area of specialization. His more than 50 research papers have been published in leading educational journals.

      Dr. R. Lalitha is with Department of Commerce, Seetha Lakshmi Ramaswami College, Trichirappalli, Tamil Nadu. She has more than 22 years of teaching experience. Accountancy and auditing are her areas of specialization.Features
      • A comprehensive approach to the exam objectives that also explains the core concepts of the technology to assist readers in passing the exam.
      • Real world examples, extensive hands-on exercises and end-of-chapter exercises support exam objectives and reinforce learning.
      • Includes 200+ practice questions with detailed answers and CD that features the innovative MeasureUp test engine
      • All chapter begin by highlighting dynamic companies and their leaders who make the strategic decisions
      • Nineteen cases of top Indian companies included at the end of the book
      • Indian examples in chapter inserts provide students with the strategic approach adopted by these companies
      • With the interactive feature How Would You Do That, students have a chance to place themselves into role of a strategic decision maker at a well-known company
      About the Authors
      Mason A. Carpenter is from University of Wisconsin–Madison

      Wm. Gerard Sanders is from Brigham Young University

      Prashant Salwan is from Indian Institute of Management, Indore.Features
      • In-depth coverage of object-oriented features with UML and their seamless integration with OOP languages, C++ and Java.
      • A separate chapter on analysis and design.
      • A number of fully solved programming examples.
      • Assignments and objective questions at the end of each chapter.
      • Web resource containing all programs and additional topics.
      • Self-learning and practice-oriented approach.
      • Covers syllabus prescribed by all universities.
      • Easy to understand explanation of basic concepts.
      • Step by step tutorial based approach.
      • Excellent Pedagogy
        • 238 Solved examples
        • 754 Illustrations
        • 526 Unsolved Review questions
        • 314 Multiple choice questions
      • Easy to understand text coupled with simple to understand examples
      • Every data-structure is supported with a pictorial representation and its possible implementations.
      • Over 100 solved problems
      • All programs tested using Turbo ‘C’.
      • Written in a style that is student-friendly and classroom simulative
      • Comprehensive coverage of all key topics in cost accounting and financial management
      • Chapters organized according to the new syllabus
      • Replete with quick refreshers, key points to be remembered, review questions and examination problems, the rich pedagogy aids the student in fully understanding the subject
      • A comprehensive appendix that provides key ready-reckoner tables for problem solving
      • Three solved question papers and one solved model question paper available online
      • Eighteen cases, divided into seven parts like Introduction to marketing, gaining marketing insights and marketing environment, customer connect, building brands, marketing offering for value creation, delivering value, marketing communication
      • Case based on companies like Nokia, GlaxoSmithKline, Life Insurance Corporation of India, and Nestle
      • A wide variety of cases touching almost all aspects of marketing
      • Case design based on actual classroom teaching
      About the Authors
      Kanwal Nayan Kapil is Associate Professor, Marketing, and chairperson for various management development programmes at the Management Development Institute, Gurgaon. He is associated with several organizations, providing consultation on or training in different aspects of brand management and marketing for organizations, including Shaw Wallace & Company Ltd, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation, Life Insurance Corporation of India, Hewlett Packard and Bharat Electronics Limited. Apart from his teaching experience of fifteen years, he also has the experience of working in various companies—including Chemtrol Technologies, Larsen & Toubro and Cipla—handling products and brand management functions. Besides publishing in various journals of repute, Dr Kapil has also authored several books and contributed chapters in several edited volumes.

      Jaydeep Mukherjee is Associate Professor at the Management Development Institute, Gurgaon. He is a professional trainer in the areas of marketing strategy, sales and distribution management, brand management and product management, and has trained senior executives of several reputed organizations like the Steel Authority of India, Reserve Bank of India, Bharat Electronics Limited, Nestlé India Limited and Hewlett Packard. He also has industry experience of more than nine years during which he worked in various capacities in the sales and marketing functions of Godrej GE Appliances, ICI Indian Limited and Aristocrat Marketing Limited.Features
      • Covers all of the products in Macromedia Studio MX 2004.
      • Actively demonstrates, using hands-on projects, how to use the Studio MX 2004 software together to create Web sites from beginning to end, including movies, sound, interactivity, dynamic text and more.
      • Author Jeff Tapper has been described as having "phenomenal skill in presenting information effectively".
      About the Authors
      Jeff Tapper is the Chief Technologist and CEO for Tapper, Nimer and Associates, Inc. He has been developing Internet-based applications since 1995 for a myriad of clients including Morgan Stanley, Doctations, Toys R Us, IBM, Dow Jones, American Express, M&T Bank, Verizon, and many others. He has been developing Flex applications since the earliest days of Flex 1. As an Instructor, Jeff is certified to teach all of Adobe’s courses on Flex, ColdFusion, and Flash development. He is also a frequent speaker at Adobe Development Conferences and user groups. Jeff Tapper and Mike Nimer formed Tapper, Nimer and Associates provide expert guidance to rich Internet application development and empower clients through mentoring. James Talbot has been with Adobe (formerly Macromedia) for more than six years, on both the sales engineering and training teams, and has most recently been working with Flex and Flash Lite. He has traveled extensively throughout the world promoting Adobe products and certifying Adobe instructors as well as speaking at conferences. James has been an integral team member on high profile rich Internet application consulting assignments for companies such as AOL / Time Warner, JP Morgan, Fidelity, and TV Guide. James is actively involved in the Adobe worldwide instructor and developer community, and contributes to developer certification exams as well as organizing and speaking at user groups. James is passionate about Flash on devices as well as rich Internet applications and he believes that both technologies will change the world for the better. Matthew Boles is the Technical Lead for the Adobe Customer Training group and has been developing and teaching courses on Flex since the 1.0 release. Matthew has a diverse background in web development, computer networking, and teaching in both professional computer classes and the public schools. In addition to this book, Matthew co-authored a version of the Certified ColdFusion Developer Study Guide. He has also developed official Allaire/Macromedia/ Adobe curricula in both ColdFusion and Flash development content areas. Benjamin Elmore is the founder and principal partner of Twin Technologies, an enterprise consulting company that specializes in delivering rich Internet applications for Fortune 500 companies. Ben has been working in the RIA/Web 2.0 spaces since its inception and has authored several books on a variety of technologies. Ben founded Twin Technologies with a core principle of embracing a shared knowledge base within the development community. When leading Twin Technologies, Ben travels to Africa and Turkey to speak on leadership on behalf of the EQUIP organization (www.iequip.org), whose goal is to raise a million Christian leaders over five years. A devoted family man, Ben lives with his wife Mary and their five children in upstate New York. Michael Labriola, who has devoted a decade and a half to Internet technologies, is a Senior Consultant and Project Lead for Digital Primates, Inc. He spends his mornings teaching developers to work with Flex; his afternoons creating rich Internet applications that generate significant ROI for clients; and his nights dreaming up ways to use Flex that its designers never intendedFeatures
      • NEW—New section on applied climatology.
      • NEW—New chapter on statistical methods.
      • NEW—Quantitative boxes.
      • NEW—An expanded section on oceans and atmosphere/ocean interactions.
      • NEW—Expanded treatment of recent climatic change and global warming.
      • NEW—Expanded glossary.
      • NEW—Review questions—Added to the end of each chapter.
      • Concentration on climate rather than meteorology.
      • Descriptions of atmospheric processes and their applications to specific regions and locations.
      • Widely publicized atmospheric events—Placed within the entire framework of climate change.
      • Relationships between climate and people—Discussed in detail.
      • The meaning of atmospheric science—Explained beyond the daily weather map.
      • Depth: The material in the book had to be presented in the context of a conceptual framework that was comprehensive, internally consistent and cohesive and well grounded in the academic and practitioner literature
      • Breadth: The book had to cover all those topics that practicing managers and students of brand management found intriguing and/or important
      • Relevance: Finally, the book had to be well-grounded in practice and easily related to past and present marketing activities, events and case studies
      • Inclusion of new Branding Briefs and Science of Branding: New Branding Brief’s and Science of Branding Brief’s have been replaced as per the Indian context using Indian examples and companies to increase student’s learning and understanding
      About the Authors
      Kevin lane Keller: Amos Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth University
      Ambi M.G. Parmeswaran: Executive Director & CEO, Draftfcb + Ulka, Mumbai
      Issac Jacob: Prof of Marketing, K.J. Somiaya Institute of Management Studies & Research, MumbaiFeatures
      • Presents the most up-to-date and contemporary case scenarios, from companies like Hindustan Unilever, BPCL, and Maruti
      • Designed so that students can work individually or as teams
      • Makes classroom more interactive through different approaches like discussion questions and class discussions
      • The cases running across diverse industries equip students with the dynamics of the current industrial status, preparing them for applications in real-world situations
      • Comprehensive coverage of sequence and series
      • Detailed coverage of topics like measure theory, set theory, limits and continuity
      • The theory is well explained, with an equal number of theorems and examples for all topics, including Lp spaces, real number system, measure theory and sequence and series
      • A very flexible presentation with a uniform writing style and notation, covering the material in small sections, which allows instructors and students to adapt this book to their syllabus
      • Detailed instruction for readers in the professional use of blogs, instant messages, wikis, twittering and other social media tools
      • Offers practical advice and hands-on experience with today’s new business communication tools through dozens of activities
      • Every chapter contains student exercises and activities that support the text
      • Cases and examples from companies like India Post, Mahindra Satyam, Twitter and Tata Motors
      • Focuses on topics like non-verbal cues, businesses attempts to use new media in India and challenges faced by the Indian youth online
      • Evaluate yourself exercises
      • Key Words
      • List of Notes, References and Additional Readings
      • Evaluate yourself exercises
      • Key Words
      • List of Notes, References and Additional Readings
      • An integrated flow between chapters, which allows students to clearly see how topics relate to each other from the start
      • Offers readers a comprehensive coverage of corporate governance practices
      • This revision presents new examples and new pedagogical features, adding more value and depth to the text’s effective, consistent framework
      • Case studies featuring top companies firmly place the discussion in the modern world of business
      • Clear chapter outlines, keywords, discussion questions and extensive referencing enable readers to access their learning
      • Discussion about theory of philosophy in a simple language
      • Various examples to explain the content of the book
      • Sample questions with their answer for student in each chapter
      • English translation for important terms
      • Adopts a well-defined, meticulously planned and smartly structured learning approach.
      • Includes lecture-wise tests that help revise each completed lecture.
      • Contains Speed Accuracy Sheets that improve the speed and accuracy of students and help them revise key concepts.
      • Provides innovative tips and tricks that are easy to apply and remember.
      • Includes solved Topic-Wise Question Banks to enhance the comprehension and application of concepts.
      • Comprehensive coverage of all important thinkers and themes of Indian political thought
      • Relevant for undergraduate as well as postgraduate courses
      • Valuable for UGC-NET and civil services examinations
      About the Authors
      Prof. Mahendra Prasad Singh retired as a Professor and Head of the Department of Political Science and Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Delhi. He has also served as the Director at the Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi.

      Dr Himanshu Roy is Associate Professor of Political Science, DDU College, University of Delhi.Features
      • Four practical case studies that review and apply the topics covered
      • Covers object-oriented software development: used to create object classes for the structures encountered
      • Discusses comparative efficiency of algorithms: Big O notation
      • Explains recursion: a powerful programming technique
      • Self-test questions and exercises
      • Adopts a well-defined, meticulously planned and smartly structured learning approach.
      • Includes lecture-wise tests that help revise each completed lecture.
      • Contains Speed Accuracy Sheets that improve the speed and accuracy of students and help them revise key concepts.
      • Provides innovative tips and tricks that are easy to apply and remember.
      • Includes solved Topic-Wise Question Banks to enhance the comprehension and application of concepts.
      • Adopts a well-defined, meticulously planned and smartly structured learning approach.
      • Includes lecture-wise tests that help revise each completed lecture.
      • Contains Speed Accuracy Sheets that improve the speed and accuracy of students and help them revise key concepts.
      • Provides innovative tips and tricks that are easy to apply and remember.
      • Includes solved Topic-Wise Question Banks to enhance the comprehension and application of concepts.
      • Covers both function oriented as well as object oriented (OO) approach
      • Emphasis on emerging areas such as ‘Web engineering’, ‘software maintenance’ and ‘component based software engineering’
      • A number of line diagrams and examples
      • Case Studies on the ATM system and milk dispenser
      • Includes multiple-choice, objective-type questions and frequently asked questions with answers
      About the Authors
      Dr Jibitesh Mishra is Associate Professor and Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar, a constituent college of Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Orissa. He has more than 16 years of teaching experience in various universities throughout the world. He has authored four books of repute. His research interests are fractal graphics, software engineering and Web engineering.

      Ashok Mohanty is Reader, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar. He is a graduate in mechanical engineering from BHU-IT and a post graduate in Industrial Management. He has more than eight years of industrial experience in a PSU and about 15 years of teaching experience in a government engineering college. His areas of specialization include project management, quality engineering and management information system.Features
      • Numerous practice questions and clear step-by-step presentation of solved problems help in easy understanding of concepts
      • Comprehensive coverage of the GTU syllabus
      • Topics are structured as per the flow of the syllabus
      • Basic concepts are explained clearly with help of sufficient examples
      • Includes large number of unsolved exercises to facilitate quick revision
      • Past question papers of GTU included with solutions
      • Also contains model question papers with hints
      • JSTL will be hugely popular because it simplifies the creation of complex data-driven applications.
      • Explains how developers can access databases and manipulate and transform XML documents from within JSP pages.
      • Part of the Sun Microsystems Press Series.
      • NEW- Two chapters explaining in detail the concept and applications of vibrations and strain energy methods
      • NEW- 233 multiple-choice question with answers
      • NEW- 214 solved examples and 232 exercise questions to help students acquire skills for competitive and university examinations
      • The ideas of stress and strain, and their conventional symbolic presentation are developed gradually
      • Different geometrical shapes and loadings are introduced in succession and in each case methods for calculating stress, strain and deformation are explained and illustrated with examples
      • Complex cases like thick cylinders, rotating discs and cylinders, and bending of curved bars are also discussed
      • Balanced and comprehensive coverage of ring theory
      • An exclusive chapter on Galois theory and its application
      • A real flavor of numerical notes to the text, which reminds the students of the real-life use of algebra
      • Concepts are summarized visually using graphs and charts
      About the Authors
      U. M. Swamy is former Dean, Faculty of Science, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh.

      A. V. S. N. Murty is a Professor of Mathematics, Srinivasa Institute of Engineering and Technology, Amalapuram, Andhra Pradesh.Features
      • Authors are architects of core Web services standards including SOAP and UDDI.
      • Includes the newest standards for managing security, transactions, reliability, and interoperability in Web services applications, plus Apache Axis and the new Java APIs from Sun.
      • Takes developers beyond the hype, detailing the design and implementation of a production-quality Web services solution.
      • Mapped to the syllabus of RTU
      • Includes questions and problems at the end of each chapter
      • Includes more than 500 diagrams and figures represented through 3D art
      • Includes solved university papers
      • The quickest route to PowerPoint proficiency by the author who knows the program best: Tom Negrino.
      • Completely updated to cover all that's new in PowerPoint 2007, from the redesigned user interface to the new SmartArt Graphics and formatting capabilities.
      • Filled with tons of visual aids as well as tips and techniques from a PowerPoint pro.
      • Mapped to the syllabus of BPUT
      • Includes questions and problems at the end of each chapter
      • Includes more than 500 diagrams and figures represented through 3D art
      • Includes solved university papers

        Table of Contents:
        Roadmap to the Syllabus
        Symbols and Basic Formulae
        1. Statics of Particles and Rigid Bodies
        2. Friction
        3. Centroid and Moment of Inertia
        4. Plane Trusses and Frames
        5. Virtual Work
        6. Kinematics of Particles and Rigid Bodies
        7. Kinetics of Particles and Rigid Bodies
        8. Work, Energy and Power
        9. Impulse and Momentum

        Solved Question Papers

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Product Details
  • ISBN-13: 9788131759134
  • Publisher: Pearson
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Weight: 634 gr
  • ISBN-10: 813175913X
  • Publisher Date: 2011
  • No of Pages: 508

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