In Me, Myself, and I, A. M. Mary shares the powerful lessons she learned from a life well lived. She grows up in a poor, isolated family, her father tubercular, alcoholic, and unemployed and her mother sad and distant. One of her brothers dies at six and the other is a sickly infant. These circumstances cause the author to become self-reliant and independent, looking to her own instinct and intuition to survive.
After she marries, she and her husband welcome the births of their children, and the author vows that her children will be loved and cared for in a way she never had been. Eventually she has five sons and a daughter, after eight pregnancies and two miscarriages.
The author believes that human condition is experienced in many ways, through joy, hardship, love, loss, support, defeat, success, disappointment, sorrow, cruelty, giving, receiving, expectation, anticipation, honor, self-esteem: the list is endless. As boxed in as life may be at times, it is possible to improve the human condition through opening our minds and hearts to learning about, listening to, and loving our fellow beings. We need to come together to know the value of each other; at the same time, we discover how to love ourselves. It really does take a village.