"ME, MY SELF, AND WORDS" by Dematsror is a captivating journey through the intricate labyrinth of a poet's soul. In this eloquent book, the reader is invited to witness the poet's evolution, from tentative first steps into the realm of words, to the ardent pursuit of mastering the craft.
With each page, Dematsror deftly portrays the poet's struggle to grasp elusive concepts and give voice to the profound messages that resonate within. This collection embodies the paradox of the poet's role - to be a mere conduit for the words that flow through him, a vessel for the ancient messages that need to be shared with readers who are destined to receive them.
Yet, Dematsror's exploration delves deeper, offering a glimpse into the poet's innermost thoughts. The poet grapples with the paradox of being both the creator and the carrier of these messages, grappling with the duality of self and words. Through introspective lines, the book captures the humility of the poet who does not claim ownership of the alphabet, but rather embraces the role of channeling universal truths through this sacred medium.
As the poet's journey unfolds, the reader becomes a witness to the poignant realization that being a poet is not about assuming grand titles or prestigious roles. Instead, it is about embracing the simplicity of the process, allowing words to weave their magic through the poet's hands, and acknowledging the ancient artistry that guides every stroke of the pen.
"ME, MY SELF, AND WORDS" is an eloquent ode to the poet's quest for authenticity, an intimate portrayal of the struggle to reconcile personal identity with the timeless messages that demand expression. Through its pages, readers are invited to reflect on the power of words, the fluidity of self, and the eternal connection between the poet, the art, and the readership that completes this sacred circle.