In a world where humanity's destiny is thrown into a maelstrom of cosmic challenges, Maya emerges as an extraordinary figure. In a universe where the once radiant sun has lost its heat and light, Earth is cast into darkness. Humanity faces a critical choice: stay and fight the impending devastation or seek a new home among the stars.
An audacious project called Genesis is launched, transporting thousands of people to a planet near the star Vegas, where the hope of a life beyond the shadow of the forgotten original sun remains alive. Among those chosen for this project, Maya and her father, bright figures in a dark scenario, choose to follow a different path.
Maya and her father remain on Earth, a place once illuminated by sunlight, now covered in a cold, ominous darkness. Determined to find a solution to the crisis, they set out to develop the Mechanized Sun, an ingenious technological marvel capable of capturing and transmitting energy, rekindling the flame of survival.
As the project progresses and hope is kept alive, fate plays its cards. The death of Maya's father leaves her alone, with the responsibility of facing the unforeseen dangers of this new world. In an environment where the law of the strongest reigns, Maya finds herself challenged at every step to stand firm, adapt and resist the loneliness that threatens her.
In a world where light and heat are essential for life, Maya struggles to survive using her intelligence, technical skills and the inheritance left by her father. Alone, she faces cruel obstacles and discovers the true meaning of resilience and determination.
As the winds of change sweep through her journey, Maya finds herself at the crossroads between surviving and giving up. Can she find the courage within herself to overcome the darkness, find her own light, and rekindle hope in those she meets along the way? Maya's journey becomes a saga of personal discovery, courage and perseverance in a world that tests the limits of humanity.
This is the story of Maya, the guardian of a mechanized sun, and her lonely quest for survival in a cold, unforgiving universe.