What were the mistakes of Mitose, Chow, Parker, and the other pioneers of Kenpo, and how do we fix them?
This series of book answers those questions, and begins the scientific analysis of over 150 martial art techniques that will totally fix Kenpo.
Matrixing is the first and only complete science of the martial arts. In this series of volumes, 'Matrixing Kenpo, ' it is used to analyze that art, to take it apart and put it back together.
Book One The Real History
Book Two The Secret of Forms
Book Three Creating a New Kenpo
The result is faster learning, more understanding, less mistakes, and an art that can stand against ANY other martial art in the world!
About the Author Al Case began Kenpo in 1967. He went on to study Karate, Wing Chun, Aikido, Shaolin, Tai Chi Chuan, Pa Kua Chang, and more. He became a writer for the martial arts magazines in 1981, and had his own column (Case Histories) in Inside Karate. He has written over two million words on the martial arts.