The Master's Sacred Knowledge by Allan Rufus - A KEY TO YOUR INNER TREASURE
The book "The Master's Sacred Knowledge" is full of simple philosophy molded into a story for easy reading and easy understanding. Yet when you take each bit of philosophy individually and work with it, it becomes a very powerful tool to help in transforming one's life.
This story is about a wise old Sage who passes on his sacred teachings to an insecure young man and takes him on a inner journey explaining the Art of Living, the Art of Living in the Now and the Art of Dying, and helps him find out who he really is and teaches him about the power of Unconditional Love.
Synopsis: - This is the story about a wise old Master who comes across a young man who is look at life very negatively. The wise old Master asks the young man to spare him some of his time before he harms himself. This the young man did and by doing so the wise old Master passed on a Sacred Master Key to him along with some of his Sacred Knowledge so he could open the doors to Divine Living.
This the young man does and by doing so the wise old Master passes on a Sacred Master Key to him along with some of his Sacred Knowledge so he can open the doors to Divine Living.
This did not only save his life, but helped him have a total rebirth which transformed his life from being negative, living in despair as well as living in fear into that of a wonderful, colourful, uplifting, positive and joyous life full of beauty and Unconditional Love.
The Master also talks about the chakric system as well as the universal Laws in which we should get to know and work with-in, which will again help enhance one's life.
As the Master Kuthumi says "If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got!"
This book is dedicated to all young masters in the making and is for OPEN MINDED SOULS, or for those who want to open their minds. -
"Your inner strength is your outer foundation"
Allan Rufus
About the Author: Allan Rufus, Author, Speaker, Life Coach, NLP Coach in both Corporate and Personal Development, Spiritual Healer, Time Line Therapy Coach, Trainer and TEFL Teacher, has been training and transforming individuals lives for over a decade inspiring them to achieve their best. Allan Rufus is Certified with AUNLP - American Union Of NLP. An Associate Certified NLP Coach, A Corporate & Personal Coach recognized by ACC - Associate Coach Federation and ICF - International Coach federation.
His purpose is to awaken his students to discover who they are, guides them to discover their inner treasures so they can transform their lives into something wonderful. He also helps his students see the bigger picture, and then helps them create goals to work towards in which ever field they choose to adventure in.
The changing point in his life was with his motto which he installed in himself at the age of 23: - "As long as I learn something every day, it doesn't matter how small or large that something is, it's something that I didn't know and have learnt, and added to my knowledge and character".
The wisdom he has now he shares with his students and peers!
Allan Rufus is always on the go, travelling to many places around the world, taking his camera for a walk and always wanting to see and learn more in the great living library called Earth.
He likes to learn something every day to achieve something in each day.