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If you're here, you've heard of Bitcoin. It has been one of the biggest frequent news headlines over the last year or so - as a get rich quick scheme, the end of finance, the birth of truly international currency, as the end of the world, or as a technology that has improved the world. But what is Bitcoin?
In short, you could say Bitcoin is the first decentralised system of money used for online transactions, but it will probably be useful to dig a bit deeper.
The idea is that the currency can be traded across international lines with no difficulty or fees, the checks and balances would be distributed across the entire globe (rather than just on the ledgers of private corporations or governments), and money would become more democratic and equally accessible to all.
It is no surprise that Bitcoin, a secure, global, and digital currency has claimed the interest of investors.
Bitcoin is open to everyone and provides an exciting opportunity to delve into an entirely new asset class.
Investing in bitcoin may seem scary, but know that it takes time and effort to understand how Bitcoin works.
Thinking of investing in Bitcoin?
This book will outline some things you NEED to know before you buy.
We're going to explain:
The concept of Bitcoin, and cryptocurrency in general
How to Buy Bitcoin
What is Bitcoin Mining?
How to Set Up a Wallet
How Does Bitcoin Mining Work?
How to trade Bitcoin
How to Mine Bitcoins
How to Mine Bitcoins on Android or iOS
Investing vs. Trading
Common trading mistakes
Practical Ways to Make Money with Bitcoin
Top Tips for Investing in Cryptocurrency
Bitcoin FAQ
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