In the heart of the chaos stands Daniel-a man driven by vengeance, stalked by the chilling specter of fear. His once meticulously constructed sanctuary has crumbled, and the blood that threatens to spill might very well be his own. Once a keeper of time, his perception of life has taken a stark turn.
Despite the odds stacked against him, Daniel aligns with an equally volatile rogue, Malloy. Together, they embark on a revenge-fueled vendetta-a relentless race against time, a brutal contest of intellect. Yet, the more they uncover about the entity that has abducted Daniel's lover and left him for dead, the less they comprehend about themselves and the world they thought they knew.
At the lowest ebb of his life, Daniel finds himself hiring a professional killer, reflecting on the twisted series of events that led him to this desperate junction. As time slips through their fingers, Daniel and Malloy find themselves in a battle for survival, grappling with escalating dangers that threaten to overwhelm even the fiercest avengers.
'The Master, ' as he ominously refers to himself, has no intention of relinquishing his advantage. The raw, simmering rage of the wronged will echo from the pits of hell, heralding an impending slaughter. The climactic conflict will test both wit and strength. Victory is certain, but the question lingers-for whom?
As the road to war unfurls, marked by blood and terror, it seems destiny has chosen a path with no escape. Looming on the horizon is a menacing storm, a cloud of unyielding darkness that breeds evil and commands the shadows. Into the world steps 'The Master, ' and with him, he brings the cold, inevitable embrace of death.