Ever been to a wedding where the ceremony was too long, short, boring, or worse still, you can't even remember it? Marry Me! A guide for couples planning their marriage ceremony is an inclusive little book written in the year following marriage equality which will help you plan a fabulous marriage ceremony with your celebrant. It explains the legalities of getting married in Australia, who is able to conduct your marriage and when you can have the marriage solemnised after you sign the Notice of Intended Marriage.
There are tips on planning - from the big decision to the rehearsal. One chapter helps couples deal with some of the dilemmas and tricky issues they may face in planning a wedding -religious or civil ceremony, who to invite and exclude, the expectations of others and costs for attendants.
The chapter on vows give a step by step guide to writing your own to go with the legal vows. The place music fits in the marriage ceremony, is explained showing some examples in the genres of Classical, Twentieth century and contemporary. A chapter on readings includes examples from poetry, literature and film with some tips on delivery.
Marry Me! is full of ideas to help make your marriage ceremony personal, meaningful, and memorable along with descriptions of some of the rituals and symbols which can be included. Choosing the photographer, making the photo list, unplugged ceremonies, sharing on social media, drones and skyping the ceremony are not forgotten.
You'll learn what's covered in the marriage rehearsal. The final chapter includes three sample ceremonies to show how different ceremonies can all meet the legal requirements and still be constructed to reflect the needs and wishes of the couple getting married.
Marry Me! is filled with anecdotes and suggestions which are inclusive of all sorts of couples and there is a strong emphasis on marriage ceremonies which are not gender stereotypical.