Marriage Reloaded: From Eden to Zion
Discover the transformative power of a Gospel-centered marriage. "Marriage Reloaded" takes you on a journey from the Garden of Eden to the heavenly city of Zion, revealing God's redemptive plan for your relationship. This inspiring book equips you with practical tools to:
- Deepen your faith
- Strengthen your relationship
- Experience spiritual growth
- Build a strong foundation of faith
- Cultivate intimacy and connection
- Navigate life's challenges together
Unlock the secrets of a thriving Christian marriage, exploring the biblical narrative from creation to redemption. Learn biblical principles for a supernatural marriage and experience a foretaste of heaven in your daily life.
Join the journey from Eden to Zion and:
- Rediscover the beauty of God's design for marriage
- Experience the revolutionary power of a Christ-centered marriage
- Transform your relationship with practical applications and biblical insights
Get ready to:
- Revitalize your marriage with Gospel-centered principles
- Cultivate a deeper connection with your spouse
- Experience spiritual growth and intimacy
- Navigate life's challenges with faith and confidence
Marriage Reloaded is about Marriage. It's about the gospel. It's about God's redemptive work that began in the garden with the marriage of the first Adam to his bride, and will end at the wedding of the last Adam, Jesus Christ, to his bride at the consummation of history. Every family between the first one and the last serves to remind us of the im¬pact of the fall and our need for redemption.Marriage is a foretaste of Heaven. You do not need to die first before you have a taste of paradise. Through your reading Marriage Reloaded you have been equipped to make that pleasurable journey from Eden to Zion. Your marriage life would be transformed from ordinary to extra-ordinary. From natural to supernatural. You and your spouse enjoying your marriage not at a ground zero level of Garden of Eden but at the pinnacle height of Mount Zion. It's a book you just have to read.