That issues of Money constitute so much of a challenge to many individuals, marriages and homes is a real observable fact. Really, conflicts revolving around money matters rank high on the list of the fierce stressors of marriages and families of men!
Money is a major subject of family squabbles and a significant contributor to fractions in and failure of marriages. It has turned many spouses to rivals or adversaries in the home. Financial tension is at the root of many divorce decisions.
Many siblings are at war because of money. Parents and children, nephews and nieces, cousins, etc. are on each other's throat because of money and what money can buy or has bought.
Yet, we all need money! Isn't it? We need money for the ends of it. So many people work really hard and in lengthy and odd hours, just to gather sufficient money to meet endless needs!
Still, many mindlessly cheat, steal, even kill to get money! Many people see money as power. Some will even prefer money over some other valuable indices of life! No doubt, greed for money is on top of the list of captive sins among men!
Why the so much craze for money among men? Can't we live without money? Should we love and crazily long after such an instrument that has become harbinger of so much palaver in human life and relationship? Is there good way round Money?
In this Book, we hope to gain useful insight into the issue of money, especially as it could be beneficially employed in healthy marriages and families.
Pieces of advice to help individuals, marriages and homes to enjoy peace with or without money will be put forward. At the end, it is hoped that money will become a servant to us; no longer a master!
However, I must say that this book neither boasts nor offers "professional advice" on money matters. It limits itself within the scope of relevant godly counsels as gleaned from the Bible.
However, the issues, principles and counsels proffered in this book can be very useful to all whose hearts are humble enough to accept and adopt them in their families.
God's counsels are always the best, after all!