Mark of the Pteranodon begins sixty million years ago when a unique species of ancient beasts ruled the skies. Known in modern day paleontology circles as Pteranodons, they are the world's largest flying machines. And, the myth of their extinction is the world's best kept secret.
Ancient Polynesians described pteranodons in perfect detail upon their arrival to Hawaii and carved pterosaur images onto the sides of large volcanic rocks- leaving a stone legacy still present to this day.
From their first encounters, pteranodons terrorized humans and only the bravest Hawaiian, a warrior named Kameo, would dare create a truce with the prehistoric man-eaters.
Kameo forged a sacred friendship and created the most exclusive and secretive club that has ever existed. The Pteranodon Clan.
A "chosen" leader of the pteranodons has always been marked since birth and shows the same traits as initial founder Kameo. That is until now.
Twelve years ago, the birth of Kai Kalua rocked the ancient society to its core and created the largest scandal in over two thousand years.
As the new, clueless leader of the clan, Kai is challenged with one mystery after another from the time he is five years old. Why did his parents abandon him? What does it mean to be "the chosen one"? Who are his enemies? And most importantly- how is he going to survive the scariest place on earth- middle school?
The answers to these questions will be answered in Kai's dreams and by his pets- a dog genius named Hiwa and Rosie, a red-footed tortoise with GPS capabilities. Also assisting Kai's quest are his eccentric Hawaiian ohana and two mysteriously acquired magical relics in the form of an ancient scroll and electrifying stone.
Kai must defeat an odd and formidable set of foes, including his own self-doubt, to attain his birth mission. Can he keep the world's longest running secret from being exposed?
All depends on his ability to listen to his Pteranodon mentors and follow the founding father's creed.
Be Brave. Be Wise. Be humble. Respect Ohana Forever.