This graphic novel presents the vibrant oil-painted illustrations of "Maple" created by Bin Li, a well-known artist. It tells the tragic fate of two young lovers who joined opposing Red Guard factions during the Cultural Revolution. This book also helps readers to re-examine the aesthetics and characteristics of the Chinese "scar art" in the changing times.
This book was adapted from a short story by Yi Zheng, one of the representative pieces of "scar literature." The story reveals the suffering of a generation of young people during the Cultural Revolution due to naïve ideals, ignorance, and fanatical worship.
Originally published in 1979, the gouache graphic novel "Maple" is widely regarded as a representative piece of the Chinese "scar art." Nine of its 32 original gouache paintings are collected by the National Art Museum of China. However, the remaining 23 paintings disappeared mysteriously in 1986. From 2007 to 2017, Bin Li, one of the original three artists, recreated all illustrations with oil paints by himself.
This book also includes a preface by Danqing Chen, articles by Gongming Li, Yi Zheng, and Bin Li, the original gouache paintings, as well as commentaries on "Maple" in Chinese contemporary art history.
Of high artistic aesthetic value, this book is an important document for the study of politics and art in the special historical period of modern China. It invites readers to re-examine the literary and artistic struggle after the Cultural Revolution and the cultural heritage in the post-revolutionary era.