Have you ever faced manipulation in your life? Then keep reading...
It may be a salesman who is trying to persuade you to buy a product, or it can be a restaurant which attracts you to have dinner in it.
Manipulation is a type of social influence aimed at changing the actions or attitudes of others utilizing indirect, manipulative, or underhanded tactics.
Some emotional manipulators use more force and are more overt in their tactics...
They will use tactics that will leave you shamed, in fear, or they utilize guilt trips, and often the victim will be left feeling immobilized and stunned. This is exactly what the manipulator wants them to feel.
Reading this book, you will learn:
- When to use manipulation?
- Emotional manipulation & in relationship
- Mind control practices
- Protecting oneself from manipulation
- Mental manipulation techniques
- Dark psychology manipulation techniques
- Mental manipulation techniques used by the mass media how to recognize and protect them
- How to eliminate manipulative people?
- Manipulation tips and tricks
...And much more
Many times, you may not even realize that the other person is using this kind of behavior because they are incredibly good at deceiving you and keeping the information hidden.
That is why you must pay attention to the subtleties of the mind. Your number one defense against all of these manipulation subtypes is knowing what to look for in individuals who use them.
How often are you troubled with your thoughts? That continuous tommyrot of crud running in your mind. These unnecessary thoughts of worry and negativity could be the reason for your grief or sorrow. Here is the good news: you can take control over your thinking via the amazing and practically methodical philosophy of stoicism.
According to science, the human mind is full of memories. But where does this memory come from? I would say experience rather than thoughts. For instance, trauma during childhood may never be forgotten. This trauma can give your thoughts an everlasting impression. Thoughts are the fundamentals of human nature. You are what you think. Perception makes a huge difference.
Reading this book, you will learn:
- Stoic philosophy
- Stoic psychological techniques
- The foundational doctrines of stoicism
- Stoicism for modern lives
- Practicing stoicism
- Master your emotions
- Thinking like and acting like a stoic
- The relation between stoicism and happiness
- Advantages and benefits
...And much more
Doesn't it seem fantastically empowering to get to know yourself better, control your thoughts in a way that benefits you, and find harmony in life?
It is just not a philosophy, but a way of living that transforms the lives of many.
Stoicism embraces acceptance, and whether the outcome of any situation is good or bad it keeps you calm. It teaches you to accept reality.
So, why don't we get started? Press the buy now button and find out!