Mind control is a technique used by various secret societies to control and subjugate people. The CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) was one of the first to discover the ability of humans to be controlled through the power of the mind, and they have experimented with this ability in their experiments on human subjects.
The human mind is capable of allowing for remote control through hypnosis, through belief and conditioning, and through brainwashing. Others have been able to use various types of psychical/paranormal techniques to influence people's minds so that they will do what the individual wants them to do.
This book covers:
- The Fundamentals of Dark Psychology
- The 10 Best Techniques of Dark Psychology
- 8 Common Methods of Dark Psychology
- Advanced Techniques of Mental Manipulation
- 7 Powerful Covert Emotional Manipulation Techniques
And much more!
The use of mind control can be found in various forms throughout human history. Throughout different cultures, there have been those who use mental influence for espionage, intimidation, coercion or even murder. This is true in every culture throughout history.
In a way, some people see mind control as an extension of genetics; where people are born with various dispositions and personalities that they inherit from their parents. Where certain members of a family tend to be more compliant than others towards authority and those in power over them.
If taught well enough, from a very young age, they can be taught how to bend someone's will with the power of their mind; they can be made less intelligent or more intelligent based on what is desired by those in power over them. Mind control is an extremely effective tool for socialization amongst many people.
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