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Are you interested in discovering powerful psychological techniques for influencing yourself and others? Do you want to learn how to influence and persuade others using Persuasion, Emotional Control, Hypnosis, and NLP Techniques?...then keep reading..
Manipulation is completed through a three-step process: analysis, manipulation, and persuasion. This three-step process is comprised of various strategies and skills that you will use to perfectly execute manipulation so that you can get the most out of your efforts.
You must realize that the strategies and skills that are required for you to get the most out of your practice are just that: strategies and skills. For that reason, you need to be willing to invest time in practicing these strategies and skills to ensure that you truly get good at them.
Many values come from actually practicing your skills that ultimately lead to you experiencing maximum success from your efforts. For that reason, you will want to be sure that you practice regularly and thoroughly. Let's take a look at the many reasons why practicing manipulation before trying it in any form of significant scenario is essential to be successful with this skill.
The first big benefit you are going to gain from practicing before you attempt to go full-force with your manipulation efforts is that you gain tact. Manipulation is something that requires you to speak and work in very specific ways to ensure that you effectively achieve success in what you have set out to do. If you practice first, you allow yourself to succeed in saying what you need to say, how you need to say it, and physically complimenting what you are saying rather than contradicting yourself through your body language. As you may already know through other manipulation books, creating success in how you communicate comes through knowing to communicate in two different ways: verbally and non-verbally. When you are manipulating someone, you need to be able to intentionally influence both of your communication factors so that you can truly tell that person what you want them to know.
Tact comes from regular practice. As you begin using your new analysis, manipulation, and persuasion strategies regularly, you will learn how they feel when you are in action. You will get an idea of what makes them work, why, and how you can maximize your success. You understand first-hand how your tone of voice, body language, vocabulary, and choice of words communicate to the person in front of you. Then, you can adjust your practice to ensure that your tact is strong and that you are having complete success with it. You also learn how unique strategies work for different personality types and what that means for you when it comes to getting your way.
In this Book you will learn:
- Dark Side of Human Nature
- Mind Control Techniques
- Leadership and Motivating Others
- Gaslighting
- The Gentle Art of Persuasion
- Mastering Your Money Is Simple - Thoughts To Consider
- Instinctive Intelligence
- How to Develop the Genius within You
- Empathy - Its Role in Life
- Persuasion Techniques to Help Influence Others
- Is Hypnosis the Same as Brainwashing?
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