Do you sometimes wish that you had more money? Do you have an inherent desire to improve your situation and make your life better?
Most people possess feel this unquenchable desire for personal prosperity and abundance. It makes us feel safe, and it gives us higher self-esteem.
But more significantly, money ensures that you live exactly the kind of life that you desire.
I mean, who would not want to buy the things they want, when they want?Who would not like to tour the world - in comfort? And who wouldn't want to leave something for your children to get started with?
Well, here is the one thing that many of us do not understand: all these desires and more are within our grasp to attain. If you want it badly enough and you are not afraid to work for it, you can manifest anything.
This is the main thrust of the law of attraction, except that many people don't know it, don't believe it, or don't know how to activate it.
Books like The Secret promise you practical lessons in attracting things like love and money, but they only deliver frustration and despair. This is because it only advocates single-formula techniques that simply don't possess enough power to deliver the big-ticket items we all long for. The process of manifesting money is a little more comprehensive than that.
I understand that, which is why I wrote you this comprehensive user guide that is guaranteed to help you finally manifest that destiny you have always wanted to experience.
I will take you past theory into practical applications using mindset, meditation, and visualizations.
I will give you exercises in easy-to-follow steps that you can do every day to, slowly but surely, manifest the abundance you seek.
In this book, expect to find:
- Ways of eliminating the limiting beliefs that could be holding you back through
- Affirmations,
- Self-hypnosis, and
- The power of YES.
- The toxic money beliefs that are holding you back and how to eliminate them.
- The power of vision and how to create a vision board for it.
- The power of setting goals and creating an action board to help you achieve them.
- Acquiring the right mentality to attract abundance.
- Taming the destructive little voice of doubts.
- Conducting a meditation exercise that will align your mind with the universe and make it easier for you to manifest your desires.
- Why altruistic giving should be a key ingredient in your quest to manifest wealth and riches in your life.
- The power of gratitude in activating the law of attraction.
- Visualization exercises.
- Modeling: acting "as if" to receive what you desire.
- Overcoming the fear of success and fear of failure.
If you have been stuck and are still trying to figure out exactly how to activate the power of the universe and manifest abundance in your life, this book will give you just that.
Prepare to be dazzled!