Based on three decades of research and consulting on technology management in over 200 major U.S. and foreign companies. "Watch Lists" are included to help monitor technology in the firm. Topics include:
Organizational Form of Technology in the decentralized firm-how many divisions, the Conglomerate, search for the optimal organizational form, phasing out R&D labs gracefully, effects of churning of divisions, SBUs, and product lines on technology.
Key Players-important roles in technology management, generalists as division managers, the division manager's technology team, influence of the chief technology officer (CTO), who champions technology in the firm.
Networking of Technology among operating divisions-pressures on divisional technology labs.
Technology Planning-technology vs. other functions, strategic divisional technology planning.
Sources and Flow of Ideas and Technology Acquisitions-from where do ideas and new technology come, what is an idea, models of flow, university relations, make or buy technology, why many high tech acquisitions fail.
Evaluating projects and programs before, during, and after-the Technology/Innovation Audit.
Commercialization of Technology-technical entrepreneurship inside the firm.
Special Cases New areas of technology management-key issues in software development, technology in the service industries.