About the Book
Una ex novia que se volvió regenteadora del mejor burdel del país, unos antiguos compañeros de secundaria convertidos en narcomenudistas y en jefes de cárteles internacionales de drogas, diversos elementos del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional en borracheras desquiciadas a la espera de un Sub-comandante Marcos "Súper- ratón", miembros de la ETA entrenándose en la selva de Chiapas, un país en deterioro agobiado por el desaliento..., imágenes alucinantes que MALALIENTO, el personaje central de esta novela, va hallando a su paso al recorrer, cual alegórico fantasma -demasiado vivo-, los traqueteados y miserables caminos de México, en un viaje desesperado por recobrar su juventud y su fe en la patria. En MALALIENTO -una de las novelas más originales, divertidas e importantes de la nueva narrativa latinoamericana-, Sergio Andrade (REVELACIONES (2002); DE LO PERDIDO, LO QUE APAREZCA (2006); LA SANGRE INÚTIL (2007))- nos dibuja, con su personalísimo y sarcástico estilo, el universo en descomposición que a través de casi cuatro décadas llevó a la generación de preadolescentes del Movimiento Estudiantil del '68, a convertirse en líderes y jefes en un país que pasó, de ser ejemplo de riquezas naturales, gastronómicas, prehispánicas y culturales, a liderar los rankings mundiales de niveles de corrupción, violencia, muertes y narcotráfico.
About the Author: Since his first published book (REVELACIONES / Un alegato contra el linchamiento de que fue objeto mediática y judicialmente en el caso Andrade-Trevi, 53 poems & 7 short stories / Editorial Planeta / 2002) the Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz born author, SERGIO ANDRADE, has made it clear, that his originality and iconoclastic richness of style, are his trademark. Being a natural writer since the age of five, he used to write little poems and romances already in his early childhood. Pretty well known as a singer and composer of worldwide hit songs, recorded by such artists as Herb Alpert (A&M), Franck Pourcel (EMI), e.a., he has continuously written, from the launching of his author's career, in 2002, until now, poetry and fiction, expressing through the literature his enormous artistic talent. "Para mí, la poesía es la música del lenguaje, del mundo, del ser más íntimo del hombre; y la novela, la ficción, es la memoria de sus más caros sueños", he says about his art. (For me, poetry is the music of the language, of the world, of the most intimate root of the human being; and novel, fiction, is the memory of his dearest dreams". In 2006, it appeared DE LO PERDIDO, LO QUE APAREZCA / A collection of his new poems / Editorial Literalia / 2006, and the next year, LA SANGRE INÚTIL y otros cuentos eróticos (THE USELESS BLOOD and another erotic short stories) / Ediciones B / 2007, which became a scandal in the literary circuits of his country, because of his avant garde style and the reckless treatment of sexual issues. Having lived a stormy personal life during which he even spent five years in jail, Andrade has become a symbol and a legend in Latin America: those of the tormented and self constructed old style tough man, and he is now, by his fifties, a cult singer- composer-writer by his own merits. Hundreds of thousands of visits to his songs and videos' YouTube Channel, show that there is a huge interest from the audiences, in knowing what it'll be like his next work of art. Sergio Andrade has written, with MALALIENTO -his most recent published book- a different, funny, original and amazing novel about México, his country, "now in deconstruction" -as he says-. and rumor has it that Andrade has depicted, through it, the actual conditions which brought México -from 1968 up to date- to its prominent status among the most corrupted and violent countries in the world. This will surely ad one more pearl to his brilliant and controversial writing career.