SECOND EDITION. Recipient of 2019 Next Generation Indie Award.
Have rejection and its aftermath caused you to feel like life is a mess?
Are you ready to reclaim your divine purpose, pick up the pieces, and begin rebuilding your life?
You know deep down you are created with purpose, yet it can seem like the aim of life is to get you far off course. Whether your troubles stem from your own decisions or from the choices of others, you can get through the mess in a way that honors God and builds character.
In The Making of a Dragonfly, Mary Ethel Eckard openly shares her journey from broken and hopeless to a life of destiny and purpose.
Discover meaningful ways to walk through seasons of doubt, tragedy and even abandonment so that you can overcome your greatest fears and challenges. Glean truth that will guide your steps from mess to wholeness, from hurt to healing, and from feelings of insignificance to becoming the person of passion and purpose walking in your destiny.
Trade broken and shattered for whole and inspired today! SECOND EDITION includes new, personalized and thought-provoking questions at the end of each chapter for in-depth study, Bible application, and tools for spiritual growth.
Winner, 2019 Next Generation Indie Award, Christian Non-Fiction Category Finalist, 2019 International Book Award, Spirituality: Inspirational Category Finalist, 2018 Christian Literary Award, Christian: Motivational Category.