Make Your Own Timeline of World History: 365 Page Timeline & Story Board Designed to Accompany Any World History Curriculum or Unit Study A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2, ideal for ages 7-17, (1st-12th grade)
365 pages for your student to add in dates, years, events, and artwork to every page. Older students may work on this independently while younger students might work on it with a parent, or older sibling. The whole family could learn about History and fill this in together! Use this book year after year as you work your way through your History curriculum. Pairs well with World History Curriculums including "Story of the World - for the Classical Child" and "Sonlight Curriculum".
Uses a Dyslexia-friendly font to help with letter reversal and reading confusion.
Michelle shares more details about the journal:
"This is a DIY type of journal. The pages are laid out in a way to make it easy to fill in as you study different event or people in History. There is no wrong or right way to use this. The pages have no dates or other titles on the pages. It is set up for 365 different lessons. This can be used for a couple of years. The book is good for a widespread of ages. I'd say 9 or 10 through highschool. If you are an adult that enjoys reading and studying History, then you may enjoy this since it allows you to write down this you want to remember. I really like how this teaches and encourages my child to research and write down what they have learned and feel is important to know. Using this type of learning, has helped my children retain more than when we were doing traditional homeschooling with test and quizzes. If you are into fun schooling, self led schooling, or other non-traditional forms of school then this might be something you would like."
Shale loves this book:
"This is the most wonderful place to organize all things history! I love having one place that we can go to look up our history facts! Plus there is an awesome youtube video about how to split them up to maximize them I highly suggest watching it!" (August 26, 2015)ISBN-10: 1517093651ISBN-13: 978-1517093655
Younger students could use this book to accompany and World History Curriculum including "Story of the World - for the Classical Child" and "Sonlight Curriculum".
Use pens and colored pencils to fill in the pages of this timeline. At the top of each page write down the years spanned on the page. In the spaces provided write about the era and add your own illustrations in the empty boxes.
Use this book year after year and add new things to your timeline whenever you discover something new about the past.