If you liked Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland and the Narnia and Harry Potter books, you will totally LOVE Mirador Publishing's latest MUST READ Young Adult Fantasy and Paranormal Romance - "Magic Mirabelle and the Riddle of Night Opium"
The story begins in East Finchley London where, after making a Wish with her mother and little brother, the young teenage Witch Mirabelle discovers a Magic Box with a very mysterious and enigmatic riddle in it.
The riddle has been left for Mirabelle by her admirer the Magician Night Opium, who has taken a fancy to the young Witch and wants to share his knowledge of Goldmaking with her. However, neither of them fully understand the nature of the powers they are working with, and not long after that Mirabelle finds herself part of a very mysterious and enchanted game: one which has been played by young Witches and Sorcerers for generations, called the Dungeons of Lethe (D.O.L.) Game.
To emerge victorious in this Game Mirabelle has to overcome several powerful and deadly adversaries - including the Sorceress Lady Nightshadow herself - and take part in three Magical Battles or Tasks, each more psychologically demanding and gruelling than the last.
Fortunately for her, Mirabelle has powerful allies to help her, the vivacious Fairy Apricot Lanterm, the wise and kindly Father of Wishes and the Sorcerer Night Opium himself. At first, neither he nor Mirabelle are happy to work together with each other, but eventually, during the third and last Magical Task, the young Witch realizes that for her to save herself and her world from a frightful Dystopian future, she will have to rekindle her love for Night Opium and pool all her dreams and Magic together with his.
The nail-biting climax to the tale occurs when one of London's most prestigious theatre companies suddenly decides to perform one of Night Opium's weird and wonderful poems, called the Londres Witch. When the poem is staged, with Mirabelle in one of the leading roles, all of the power from their pooled Magic streams out into the historic centre of Westminster London.
And as it does, the familiar spots in the city like Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly and Kensington Gardens, all become embroiled in the D.O.L. Game and the lives of the city's inhabitants are changed forever in a way that no one, not even the Sorcerer or Mirabelle themselves, could ever have foreseen.
See how in our amazing new YA Fantasy and Paranormal Romance "Magic Mirabelle and the Riddle of Night Opium!"