About the Book
The Magic of Magnetic Healing - The Real Magic Bullet! consists of a large collection of the writings and research papers of William H. Philpott, M.D., a former psychiatrist who, when challenged with safe alternative methods, had the integrity to check them out. Like so many other cookbook doctors he initially pooh pooed them but his honesty led to their adoption. Standing on the broad shoulders of Albert Roy Davis, Robert O. Becker, G. Sheldon, Otto Warburg and others, William Philpott, psychiatrist and medical doctor extraordinary, has confirmed and extended their scientific work on the relationship of magnets to human biology. He presents here a lifetime of experiences that clearly demonstrate the fundamentals of achieving wellness as well as documentation and instruction on how you can overcome that "impossible" medical problem. Medicine as it is presently practiced is all about buying patented chemicals that hopefully will jog the body into at least hiding symptoms if nothing else. Here Philpott demonstrates the basic underlying problem common to almost all disease states -- and he further clearly shows how to use that knowledge to turn about even the most complex health problems. Except for the stomach, bodily tissues should be alkaline and loaded with oxygen. Magnets do this for you and also kill microorganisms bringing about wellness, it appears, no matter how severe is the medical problem. Proper use of magnets in healing covers Addiction, Allergies, Alzheimer's, Amaloidsis, Atherosclerosis, Antibiotic Effect, Bile Ducts, Brain/Gut Syndrome, Bronchitis, Cancer, Celiac Disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Crohn's Disease, Colds, Cramps, Detoxification, Diabetes II, Diets, Dyslexia, Emotional Disorders, Diverticulosis, Energy Medicine, Epstein Barr Virus, Fibromyalgia, Flu, Gallbladder, Gastric Reflux, Gastrointestinal, Hepatitis, Infections, Inflammation, Insomnia, Irritable Bowel Disorders, Liver Disorders, Melonoma, Mental Disorders, Metabolic Syndrome, Migraines, Moles, Multiple Sclerosis, Pains and Achies, Pelvic Disorders, pH factors, Polyps, Pubic Disorders, Scars, Skin Disorders, Sleep Apnea, Schizophrenia, Sinusitis, Tourette's Syndrome, Ulcers, Universal Sensitivity Reactions, Viral Encephalitis Syndrome, Water, Weight Management, Stress Management, Warts, and Many Other Health Conditions. 274,381 Words