Title IX. It's not something most people think about, but, as Maggie Jean goes to show, it was one of the most important laws of its time. To demonstrate the importance of this piece of antidiscrimination legislation, author Peggy Kulczewski takes her readers back to a time before Title IX went into effect.
The book follows Maggie Jean, a bright, optimistic girl who just wants to play the same sports as the boys. Time and time again, she faces discrimination and resistance from authorities that don't understand her. Even the simple act of wanting to take science classes marks her as a "complainer" by the school. Despite her troubles, Maggie Jean isn't going to give up!
In addition to Maggie Jean's amazing journey, the book also provides a section on historical context and the real-life events that inspired the story.
Maggie Jean is an important read for anyone facing frustrations about current discrimination. The United States hasn't fully eradicated sexism and other bigotry, but it has come a long, long way. Maggie Jean will inspire the next generation to take a stand against discrimination and pursue their passions with courage and conviction.
About the Author: Peggy Kulczewski grew up on a farm near Monmouth, Illinois. After receiving her master's degree in physical education from the University of Illinois at Champaign/Urbana and teaching and coaching girls' high school basketball in Fairborn, Ohio, and Wattsburg, Pennsylvania, Kulczewski returned to Monmouth. She taught in the Monmouth school system and the Monmouth-Roseville District.
Kulczewski became an expert in mathematics and spent fifteen years working as an adjunct professor at Monmouth College, teaching Mathematics Education for the Elementary Classroom.
Kulczewski has three beautiful children. She currently serves as a pastor at Smithshire United Methodist Church and Kirkwood United Methodist Church. In her spare time, she enjoys volunteering with 4-H, gardening, creating stained glass, cooking, playing and watching sports, and spending time with family.