April 6, 2020 marks 500 years since the death of Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino. When he died at only 37 years old, he left the most beautiful paintings, particularly many of Madonna and Child. One particular painting lost since 1544 when it was described by Vasari as a 1514 painting on canvas by Raffaello, for Leonello Pio da Carpi, but since then it was never seen again.
The CapodiMonte Museum in Naples describes the 1518 painting on wood as the "Madonna of Divine Love" by Raffaello, but since the eighteenth century many art historians believe that the painting on wood is by GianFrancesco Penni, Raffaello's pupil, so where is the original painting by Raffaello?
This painting was not mentioned for almost five-hundred years. Where was it? Elma believed she had an original Raffaello painting, and she wanted to know whether the story told by her aunt Anna was correct.
Nicole fell in love with this painting, and the story fascinated her. This story follows the history of the painting and the story of the research.
About the Author
Nicole was born in Torino, Italy, and lived there until the end of 1956. During that time, Torino had an active market of Old Masters, on sale from private collectors. She and her husband were able to collect many artists' work from the fourteenth to the twentieth century. After they were married in Torino, she and her husband moved to California. Nicole pursued her interest in art, literature, music, historic preservation, travel and research on Old Master's life.
Nicole currently lives in San Francisco.