Sams Teach Yourself Macromedia Studio All in One has all the answers for beginning users of Macromedia's Web design and development products in one big, easy-to-use book. It doesn't assume the reader wants to learn how to use just one product, but covers multiple products and technologies together in a logical, well-integrated fashion.
A compendium of multiple reference books in one volume, this book is designed for the beginner who wants to buy just one book that is likely to answer all his current -- and future -- questions on the most recent versions of:
- Macromedia Dreamweaver
- Macromedia Flash
- Macromedia Contribute
- Macromedia Fireworks
- Macromedia Freehand
About the Author: Lead Author
John Ray is an award winning developer and technology consultant with more than 16 years of programming and administration experience. He has worked on projects for the FCC, The Ohio State University, Xerox, and the State of Florida, as well as serving as IT director for a Columbus, Ohio-based design and application development company. He has written or contributed to more than 11 titles currently in print, including Mac OS X Panther Unleashed and Sams Teach Yourself Mac OS X Panther All in One.
Contributing Authors
Betsy Bruce works at MediaPro, Inc., in the Seattle area, where she specializes in creating eLearing applications using Dreamweaver, Authorware, and Flash. She was lead developer on a project with the Cobalt Group, where her team won the 2003 Macromedia Innovation in eLearning award. She is a Macromedia certified trainer for Dreamweaver, CourseBuilder for Dreamweaver, Flash, and Authorware. Betsy received a bachelor's degree from the University of Iowa and is in the process of earning a master's in educational technology from San Diego State University. She is frequently a speaker at conferences on creating eLearning and using Dreamweaver. She is also the author of eLearning with Dreamweaver MX: Creating Online Learning Applications from New Riders Publishing. Born and raised in Iowa, Besty now lives on the West Coast. Her Web site is located at
Phillip Kerman is an independent programmer, teacher, and writer who specializes in Macromedia projects. Phillip has transistioned his expertise from Authorware to Director and, now, to Flash. Over the past decade, he has had to adapt to a total of 20 version upgrades-Flash MX 2004 being the most significant of them all! In addition to retooling and building his own skills, Phillip finds teaching the biggest challenge. He has trained and made presentations around the world, in such exotic locations as Reykjavik, Iceland; Melbourne, Australia; Amsterdam, Holland; and McAlester, Oklahoma. His writing has appeared in Macworld, on the Macromedia DevNet Web site and Developer Resource Kit CD-ROM, and in his self-published The Phillip Newsletter ( He is also the author of Flash MX 2004 for Rich Internet Applications and ActionScripting in Flash MX from New Riders Publishing.
Jackson West lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, where he consults on Web programming, graphics, and multimedia applications. He has spent time at a number of top software companies including Microsoft, Macromedia, and Sonic Solutions. He has written for CNET, McGraw-Hill, and Sams Publishing. He is always looking for ways to be cheaper and faster. You can visit Jackson on the Web at