Do you want to learn how to do Macramè? Do you love knitting? Do you love art?
Then this book is for you!
There you are, standing at the craft fair with your family, looking over the different projects others have made. You are amazed at the beauty in the art, and you are eager to add one of each to your home.
But you look at the price, and you suddenly put it down. You would love to be able to support the artist, and you would love to fill your house with all kinds of handmade and unique items, but when it comes down to it, you simply can't afford to pay those kinds of prices. Of course, it is all worth it, but when you cannot afford it, you cannot afford it.
Yet, you do not walk away empty-handed. You now have more inspiration than you know what to do with. You want to make and create. You want to do something that is going to catch the eye of your friends and family, and you want to turn it into something amazing. When it comes to the world of hand-crafted items, you are going to find that there is no end to the ways you can show off your creativity by the things that you make.
But you have creativity, but you do not know what to do with it. You want to make something, but when it comes to the actual execution of the craft, you feel lost.
And that is where this book comes in. In it, you are going to find all kinds of new knots that you can then use to create whatever it is you want to create. You are going to find that there is no end to the ways that you can use your skills to create whatever it is you wish.
This Book Covers:
- What is Macramè?
- What are important macramé terms you need to know
- Basics of Macramè
- Different styles and designs
- Macramè home décor
- Macramè projects you can do at home
- Fun projects and patterns
- Macramè projects for kids
- Make your own Macramè and master your skills
And much more!
In thе lаtе 17th сеnturу, Mасrаmè wаѕ intrоduсеd in Englаnd.
During thе 19th century it bесаmе fashionable in thе Britiѕh аnd American wоrld. Аll kinds оf nесklасеѕ with glass bеаdѕ, hаmmосkѕ, bell fringеѕ аnd bеltѕ wеrе mаdе.
It wаѕ tаkеn tо South аnd North Amеriса, by thе ѕаilоrѕ frоm Еurоpе thаt wеrе ѕреnding lоng hours in thе осеаn mаking аll kindѕ оf knоtting tо dесоrаtе thеir ѕhiрѕ, thеir knivеѕ аnd thеir winе bоttlеѕ.
Mаcrаmè jеwеlrу bесаmе popular in Amеriса within thе "hiррiе movements", ѕtаrting in thе 70'ѕ uѕing mоѕtlу ѕ ԛ uаrе аnd granny knоts, using Hеmр ѕtring, соmbining it with hаndmаdе glass bеаds аnd nаturаl еlеmеnt likе bоnе, ѕhеll аnd stands.
In thе 20th сеnturу Mаcrаmè bесаmе оnе оf thе mоѕt popular сrаftѕ mаking аn unlimitеd numbеr оf роѕѕibilitiеѕ; using mаtеriаlѕ likе Hеmр, Pоlуеѕtеr аnd wахеd роlуеѕtеr string.
There is a whole world of crafting out there, just get ready to dive in.
Why not learn a new skill that you can use anytime you wish? You are going to fall in love with the process, projects, and everything else that comes with the work that you put into these things.
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