Timothy Gardener is a very simple, very private individual who prefers to keep to himself, but his next door neighbor is a complete lunatic! Apparently a mathematical genius, Gardener's neighbor seemingly never leaves his house, and he creates wealth, at least it seems to Gardener, out of thin air by day trading stocks from home. It appears to Gardener that his neighbor spends much of his wealth splurging on multiple call girls at a time who often bring their friends with them to his neighbor's parties, free of charge.
Gardener finds himself becoming extremely attracted to a beautiful, young, Asian woman that his neighbor has had over so often, that it appears to Gardener, that she has become his neighbor's lover, and no longer merely a call girl. After becoming so infatuated with this woman, and no longer desiring to merely watch her from a distance, Gardener decides to walk across property lines and join her and one of her friends in what appears to be a Samhain celebration around a bonfire on Halloween Night. However, as Gardener draws close to the women, and he hears them celebrating the fact that his neighbor, the lunatic, will never see another sunrise, and he realizes they are burning his neighbor's personal effects in the fire, it occurs to him that he is witnessing something altogether different than a simple Halloween party.
Spotted by one of the women while trying to sneak back to his own property, Gardener finds himself running for his life, and he discovers that a terrifying night of murder and mayhem has only just begun!
"The Lunatic," by award winning writer Kevin E. Lake is a story which illustrates that things are not always as they appear. What you see is not always what you get, and that's why it's best to believe only part of what you see, and absolutely nothing that you hear. Also, more than any other work of literature written in any of the many human languages of Earth, "The Lunatic," illustrates the importance of each of us being who we are, no matter who that is, for when we are not, we run the great risk of becoming that which we hate, and hating that which we love, or, in the tragic case of "The Lunatic," even killing it!