Lubricating grease (or grease, to use a short name), leaving aside synthetic grease for the moment, is arguably amongst the highest "value added" petroleum products. Lubricating greases play very crucial role in the performance of automobiles, industrial machinery and appliances which almost every one of us use, rely upon or work with everyday. Lubricating greases account for about 5% of the global consumption of the lubricants, which in turn account for about 1% of all petroleum products. Thus, in volume terms, lubricating greases constitute a relatively small, specialized industry. Nonetheless, the importance of lubricating greases cannot be overemphasized. The world would quite literally grind to a halt without lubricating greases.
There are not many books on lubricating greases. Even the very few books that are available in English language, largely encapsulate the work and knowledge developed in North America and West Europe. Significant scientific and technological advancements were achieved in the erstwhile "East Bloc" countries during the second half of the 20th century. However, it is only over the last two decades that those outside the erstwhile "East Bloc" have been getting glimpses of the prolific work done by scientists and technologists in that part of the world. This book endeavours to further this process in a small way.
About the Author
Yuriy L. Ishchuk prominent scholar dedicated to the lubricating grease industry was born on 26th of January 1930 in Ukraine. His contributions in the development of lubricating greases are well-recognized worldwide.
Mr. Ishchuk graduated in 1954 from National University "Lvivska Polytekhnika" in crude oil and gas technology and stated his career at Berdyanksy Experimental Petro Oil Plant (now JSC "Azov Greases & Oils" AZMOL). During 1954 to 1962, he worked there at different capacities and gathered rich experience in understanding the fundamentals and processing of lubricating greases.
From 1962, Mr. Ishchuk worked with All Union Scientific, Research and Design Institute for Oil Refining and Petrochemical Industry (now "MASMA") first as head of laboratory and from 1966 up till now as Deputy Director for scientific and research work.
Mr. Ishchuk got his Ph.D. in 1965 and Senior Doctorate in 1979, Professor (1980), Academician of Ukrainian Oil and Gas Academy (1996), and Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (1999). Honoured Master of Science and Engineering of Ukraine (1990), he has been the state Ukrainian Prize-winner in science and engineering in 1972.
Dr. Ishchuk`s research work has resulted in over 360 published papers. He has authored 94 patents and 6 monographs on different topics related to lubricating greases. Member of NLGI and ELGI.