Interested in keeping the weight off for good?
Looking for a Low-Carb cookbook to help you start and sustain a healthy lifestyle?
A Low-Carb Diet is a form of nutrition in which you mainly consume protein and also fat.
It is less about the calories in the Low-carb Diet than about the fact that it replaces carbohydrates with proteins.
Carbohydrate intake is reduced.
There are two types of Carbs:
Complex carbs, aka "good" carbs, are those that are nutrient-rich and positively fuel the body. Examples of complex carbs are root vegetables, fresh fruits, legumes, nuts, and seeds.
Simple carbs often referred to as "bad" carbs, are those that offer minimal nutritional value. The examples would be potatoes, rice, sugar, fruit juices, corn syrup, soda, and prepackaged sweet treats.
When "bad" carbs are overconsumed, it may increase blood sugar levels. That is because the body can digest the simple carbs more quickly than it can do with the more complex "good" carbs.
Besides, if an excess of carbs is consumed, the body will eventually break them down and store them as fat.
One benefit of the Low-carb Diet is that it is simply healthier for the human body to consume fewer carbohydrates because sugar is not healthy and because a high-carbohydrate diet leads to obesity.
Another advantage is that the blood sugar level falls or remains constantly low. You can prevent the widespread disease diabetes with this form of nutrition.
Better eating is easier with the Low-Carb Diet that has the simplicity and variety you'll be addicted to.