Do you want to learn how to make 1000+ low foodmap recipes? If yes, then keep reading...
As the name describes, low foodmap diet revolves around reducing the amount of foodmap in your daily diet. Foodmap are carbohydrates, fats, sugar and many other ingredients that go into the food we eat. The theory behind a low foodmap diet is simple, reduce the amount of foodmap in your body and many ailments that come with it would also reduce.
This might sound very scientific, however, when you are heading back to basics, you need to know about low foodmap diet to see if it is something you can try. Most people have a strong reaction towards a completely new diet, especially when it is something as drastic as the low foodmap. Most people will turn their backs on the idea without even giving it a second thought.
This book is your guide. It will not only tell you what to do and what you need to avoid, it will also provide recipes for you to taste and experiment with, so that you can make the most of your new foodmap diet. This is a one stop shop for you.
Low foodmap diet is the new buzzword on everyone's lips when it comes to health, especially those who are suffering from various gastrointestinal problems such as IBS. Low foodmap diet is gaining popularity and is effective, but many people do not know how to go about it. This is very unfortunate as such people are at the mercy of their dieticians and nutritionists. It is not enough to have a dietician; one also has to know what to eat.
You need to be informed about what you are putting into your body, if all else fails, go back to the basics of how the low foodmap diet works.
The recipes in this cookbook were derived from trusted sources and those who have tried this kind of diet; therefore, you are assured of quality and authenticity.
This book has captured the essence of the low foodmap diet, to help you maximize the results in as little time as possible.
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