Do you suffer from abdominal bloating, pain and feeling of fullness? Then the Low Fodmap diet will be your salvation.Recurrent swelling, irregular baldness, abdominal pain and the sensation of fullness and bloating are particularly common symptoms and very often associated with a condition known as Irritable Bowel Syndrome IBS.
Fortunately, unlike the most fearsome organic diseases, Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a functional disorder that affects almost 20% of the adult population and which is often so disabling as it can seriously compromise the quality of life.
The Low-Fodmap diet was therefore created to control this annoying symptomatology, thus easing the intestinal load.
What it is and how it works:
The term FODMAP literally means the set of Fermentable Oligo-, Di- and Mono-saccharides and Polyols, substances capable of subjecting the intestine to a strong stressful load.
These molecules, more commonly known as fructose, lactose, fructans, polyols, sorbitol, mannityl, maltitol, xylitol and so on, are particularly present in products of vegetable origin and in particular in fruit, vegetables, cereals and legumes.
All, even if with different power, are able to:
-Call water in the intestinal lumen, stretching the walls and thus causing that unpleasant sensation of pain;
-Alter the consistency of the stool, making it sometimes too solid, sometimes too liquid;
-Ferment, thus promoting the accumulation of intestinal gas, responsible for that unpleasant and recurrent symptom defined as bloating, but which we will recognize as abdominal bloating.
In the most sensitive subjects, or in the most stressed intestines, the combination of these symptoms can be translated into a real painful symptomatology, so annoying as to undermine normal daily life.
The benefits
The Low Fodmap diet, therefore, by limiting the consumption of foods containing these substances, is able to guarantee a rapid improvement in symptoms.
- More precisely, already after a couple of weeks of dieting:
- You will feel a strong sensation of lightness of the intestine;
- Abdominal pain and that strange feeling of discomfort will be reduced;
- Improve the evacuating acts, both for consistency and for frequency.
With this book you will discover 101 tasty and healthy recipes to reduce pain and IBS symptoms.
Don't wait longer!